近日,华中农业大学曹扬荣教授团队与东北农业大学陈庆山教授合作在The Plant Cell上在线发表了题为“GmNAC039 and GmNAC018 activate the expression of cysteine protease genes to promote soybean nodule senescence”的研究论文,解析了大豆根瘤衰老的分子调控机制。该研究同时被期刊编辑选为亮点工作进行了评论(Doll, 202...
目前主持国家自然基金重大项目子课题1项、国家重点研发计划子课题1项和面上项目2项、湖北省自然科学基金创新群体1项等项目,在Molecular Plant,Plant Cell等国际著名期刊发表学术论文30余篇。 撰稿:刘扬 摄影:禹落伊 供稿审核:崔大勇 审稿、编辑:侯伟、张淑芬 终审:孙磊...
- 《Plant Physiology》 - 被引量: 20 收藏相关文章 Tobacco Translationally Controlled Tumor Protein Interacts with Ethylene Receptor Tobacco Histidine Kinase1 and Enhances Plant Growth through Promotion of Cell Proliferation. 2015 - Jian-Jun,Tao,Yang-Rong,... - 《Plant Physiology》 - 被引量: 13 ...
Promé, J.C., Dénarié, J., and Truchet, G.(1994).Rhizobium melilotilipooligosaccharide nodulation factors: Different structural requirements for bacterial entry into target root hair cells and induction of plant symbiotic developmental responses. Plant Cell6:1357–1374. ...
近日,华中农业大学曹扬荣教授团队与东北农业大学陈庆山教授合作在The Plant Cell上在线发表了题为“GmNAC039 and GmNAC018 activate the expression of cysteine protease genes to promote soybean nodule senescence”的研究论文,解析了大豆根瘤衰老的分子调控机制。该研究同时被期刊编辑选为亮点工作进行了评论(Doll, 202...
Maillet, F., de Billy, F., Promé, J.C., Dénarié, J., and Truchet, G.(1994).Rhizobium melilotilipooligosaccharide nodulation factors: Different structural requirements for bacterial entry into target root hair cells and induction of plant symbiotic developmental responses. Plant Cell6:1357–13...
Maillet, F., de Billy, F., Promé, J.C., Dénarié, J., and Truchet, G.(1994).Rhizobium melilotilipooligosaccharide nodulation factors: Different structural requirements for bacterial entry into target root hair cells and induction of plant symbiotic developmental responses. Plant Cell6:1357–13...