Gender Male Degree Ph.D. Position Professor Tutor of Doctor Postgraduate Email Research Field 1. Elastoplastic mechanical and Its Application to Disaster Prevention and Mitigation in Geotechnical Engineering——Tunnel Support Structure and Its Bearing Mechanism in High Earthquake-Intensity Plateau ...
Geotechnical earthquake engineering and Environmental geotechnical engineering Research projects (1) National Natural Science Foundation of China, **, Study on seismic stability of the tailings dam considering valley terrain effect in the high earthquake-intensity area, 2018/01-2021/12, ¥370 thousand, ...
1990.8-1994.8 Teaching Assistant, Chongqing Institute of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Kunming Branch. Research Fields 1. Municipal Engineering (water treatment technology) 2. The Utilization and Protection of Water Resources Part-time Academic Job 1.Exclusive Member, Yunnan Committee of Urban & Ru...
2012.9-2016.6, PhD, Central South University Working Experience Since Aug. 2016, Kunming University of Science and Technology Research Fields 1. Construction Project management 2. Technology Innovation and Management in Engineering Part-time Academic Job 1. The Member of International Associate for Chines...
2007 to 2010, MEng, majored in municipal engineering and received a master's degree from Chongqing University. 2010 to 2014, PhD, majored in civil engineering and received a doctor's degree from Chongqing University. Working Experience 2014 to date, engaged in teaching, researching and designing ...
[14]..Zhang Qing, Gui Yue*, Yu Zhihua,et al. Experimental studies on the engineering properties of stabilized dredged material-phosphogypsum blends[J].Research Journal of Chemistry and Environment,2012,16: 1~8。(SCI检索) Patent: [1].Gui Yue, Yu Zhihua, Cao Jing, et al. A sampling tub...
昆明理工大学建筑工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-Dr.ZHENGJun-wei(建筑工程管理系导师-郑俊巍英文简介) MicrosoftInternetExplorer402DocumentNotSpecified7.8磅Normal0Dr.ZHENGJun-weiDr.ZHENGJun-weiEmail:zjwkmust@163.comAcademicQualifications2005.9-2009.7,BEn ...昆明理工大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-11-07...