英文时尚文章1 The long-term effects of stilettos 长期穿高跟鞋的影响 As powerful as women may feel wearing a pair of stylish stilettos, new research has found that heels can have detrimental consequences, potentially causing imbalance in the feet. 强大的女性可能会穿着一双时尚的高跟鞋,一项新的研...
时尚的英文文章为了创作这个包含20个造型的独创系列学生们使用了4600多张麦当劳三明治包装纸1770多个薯条包装盒1100多根吸管600多个只带500多个三明治包装盒200多个饮料杯以及500多个番茄酱托架和100多个麦旋风杯子 时尚的英文文章 随着日新月异的时代更新步伐,时尚演绎成为社会发展的最重要驱动力之一。下面是店铺带来的时尚...
英文时尚杂志文章1 世上有一种时尚叫"祖母式潮流" Is conservative the new radical? the fashion world certainly seems to think so. this season, designers filled their runways with restrained silhouettes that echo the graceful, showing-less-is-more aesthetic of generations past. 保守就是另一种形式的...
介绍时尚的英文文章欣赏篇一 肥胖遭时尚界的排挤史 In Fashion Fat Is Still a Taboo Rosy-cheeked and curvy, Madame de St.-Maurice smiles complacently on visitors to the 80WSE Gallery at New York University. The subject of a late-18th-century portrait by Joseph Siffred Duplessis, she flaunts ...
Similar to superstitions in other cultures, American ones frequently involve aspects significant in daily life, such as health, numbers, and marriage. Have you ever had a persistent cough that just wouldn't go away? According to one American superstition, you should take a piece of ...
关于时尚的英文文章 1 我追逐的时尚观 My View on The Pursuit of Fashion Fashion is the style and custom prevalent at a given time, and is most commonly used to describe the popular clothing style. For the purpose of beauty, people like to chase fashion, we can find the company promote ...
改革开放三十年,中国社会经济飞速发展,社会财富与人民生活水平得到了极大的提高,时尚文化与休闲文化也在迅速发展并日益繁荣。下面是我带来的,欢迎阅读! 1 惠普协力时尚设计师打造炫酷智慧手表 The continued interest in wearable technology, means fashion and stylish design is being more important to hardware ...
Fashion is a term commonly used to describe a style of clothing worn by most of people of a country. A fashion usually remains popular for about 1-3 years and then is replaced by yet another fashion. Even though there are a lot of changes in fashion, most people do not ...
英文时尚杂志文章 本季设计师们推出的廓形保守的时装频频亮相秀场,它们反映出了几代人以前那种优雅端庄、露得少即为美的审美观。 Designers are reimagining soignée staples for spring and summer─skirt suits, twin sets, below-the-knee dresses, kitten heels and frame bags─that appear anything but moth-...
时尚服装英文文章1 英国最潮老爷爷:我有颗不服老的时尚心 TrendygrandfatherAllanBradburyisstilla'dedic-aged'followeroffashion-attheageof70. 潮流范儿十足的老爷爷阿兰·布拉德伯里虽然已经70岁高龄了,但始终没有停下追逐时尚潮流的脚步。 Theformerconstructionworkerspendsupto£160amonthonGucciandVivienneWestwood...