a 挑选礼服时避免大蝴蝶结,厚重的喱士,相反紧身束腹或突出上身的款式比较理想。例如强调新娘美丽的肩膊和手臂线条的无肩带、无袖或短袖款式。 Chooses when the formal clothes avoids the big butterfly knot, the sincere grain gentleman, opposite tight-fitting binds the abdomen or the prominent upper body de...
挑选礼服时避免大蝴蝶结,厚重的喱士,相反紧身束腹或突出上身的款式比较理想。例如强调新娘美丽的肩膊和手臂线条的无肩带、无袖或短袖款式。5个回答 The selection of dress to avoid a big bow, heavy lace, the opposite of tight corset or prominent upper body style is ideal. For example, emphasize the be...