六、推荐教材与参考资料 教材: Andrea Goldsmith 《 WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS 》,Cambridge University Press, 2005 。(注:2007 年 6 月人民邮电出版社出版了影印版) 参考书目: 1.Andreas Molisch,Wireless Communications,John Wiley Sons, 2005。 2 .郭梯云、邬国扬、李建东编《移动通信》(修订本),西安:西安电子...
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Chapter 11. In case of an accident, there is a high chance of getting lost. The transportation cost is very high each time. However, if the infrastructure is set once, it will be very easy to use it repeatedly. Time for wireless transmissi
无线通信系统、无线通信装置、无线通信方法 热度: 无线通信设备、无线通信方法以及无线通信系统 热度: 无线通信装置、无线通信方法及无线通信系统 热度: 相关推荐 WIRELESSCOMMUNICATIONS AndreaGoldsmith StanfordUniversity Thepossessionofknowledgedoesnotkillthesenseofwonderandmystery. Ana¨ısNin Copyrightc2005by...
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无线通信Andrea-goldsmith 答案 下载积分: 400 内容提示: Chapter 11. In case of an accident, there is a high chance of getting lost. The transportation cost is very high eachtime. However, if the infrastructure is set once, it will be very easy to use it repeatedly. Time forwireless ...
无线通信Andrea-goldsmith_第2章答案 下载积分: 0 内容提示: Chapter 21.Pr=Pt √Glλ4πd λ4π10 2λ = c/fc= 0.0610−3=Pt 2⇒ Pt= 4.39KW10−3=Ptλ4π100 2⇒ Pt= 438.65KWAttenuation is very high for high frequencies2. d= 100mht= 10mhr= 2mdelay spread = τ =x+x ...