沪江在线词典网为您精选方苞的意思及读音、方苞是什么意思、反义词、近义词等信息,由carolran于2011年6月10日添加。 读音:fāng bāo 注音:ㄈㄤㄅㄠ 基本解释: (1668—1749) 清江南桐城(今安徽省桐城县)人。徙居江宁(今南京市江宁县)。字凤九,号灵皋,晚年号望溪。为清散文家和文学理论家。圣祖康熙间进士。曾...
方苞 1. On the relation ship between literature and Confucian orthodoxy,Fangbao paid attention to the Confucian orthodoxy,Liu Dakui emphasized the literature,and Yaonai claimed that literature and Confucian orthodoxy were a unit. 桐城“三祖”的古文理论,就文、道关系的认识而言,方苞重在“道”,刘大櫆...
方苞 释义 Fang Bao 方苞;
方苞(1668~1749)2) Fang Bao 方苞 1. "Brief-but-to-the-point" of Fang Bao s Prose; “虚言其大略”的方苞古文 2. Discussing the Doctrine of Yifa from the Differences and Similariteis between Li Fu and Fang Bao in Commenting Liu Zongyuan; 唯其理之是 唯其辞之是——从李绂、方苞评点...
方苞与颜李学派2) Yan-Li school 颜李学派 1. They are the principal members of the Yan-Li school,either having a rule of learning. 颜元和李都是清初知名教育家,同为颜李学派最主要成员。 2. Yan Yuan is a statecraft educator and thinker of the late Ming and early Qing Dynasty, he is ...