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新视野大学英语读写教程(1)(第 3 版)电子教案 课程名称新视野大学英语 1 授课专业和班级 教师专业技术职务学时 授课内容 (题目、章、节) Unit1 Fresh Start 教学目的与要求 1.To know the meaning and usage of some important words, phrases and patterns 2.To study Passage A and understand the main ...
新视野大学英语读写教程(1)(第3版)电子教案.pdf,授课专业 课程名称 新视野大学英语1 和班级 教师 专业技术职务 学时 授课内容 Unitl Fresh Start (题目、章、节 1. To know the meaning and usage of some important words, phrases and patterns 2. To study Passage A
第三版新视野大学英语读写教程1 unit1 sectionA 课件 Vocabulary pose V. 1)If you pose for a photograph or painting, you stay in a particular position so that someone can photograph you or paint you. 2) create a difficult or dangerous situation 造成,导致(困难 或危险) translation Tianjin blast...
新视野大学英语 读写教程1 郑树棠 第三版 电子教材 新视野大学英语 读写教程1 郑树棠 第三版 电子教材 链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1auSw4HiU9o6NEkFoKJG4JA 提取码:l9bh 复制这段内容后打开百度网盘手机App,操作更方便哦
名称:新视野大学英语 1(第三版) 读写教程 作者:郑树棠 编 出版社:外语教学与研究出版社 UNIT1 Section A 1. 1. Answer the following questions. 1. The parents reminded their children to work hard and achieve the best they could. 2. The president calls on the students to make the most of the...
新视野大学英语读写教程(1)(第3版)电子教案 课程名称 教师 新视野大学英语 1 授课专业 和班级 专业技术职务 学时 授课内容 (题目、章、节) Unit1 Fresh Start 1. To know the meaning and usage of some important words, phrases and patterns 2. To study Passage A and understand the main idea of the...
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8 CommunicationTeaching Focus Text BTheme Meeting People on Silence on temporary, community, silence, participate,share