个音。为了将语音标记和语言拼写系统区分开来,语言学家把语音 符号放在[]中。音标不但使语音学家始终如一地对语言的声音进行 正确地描写,而且还可以帮助语言教师和语言学习者正确教授和掌 握发音。英语教科书和字典一般都采用国际音标。 在描写语音时,为了体现语音的细微差异,语言学使用更为详 ...
《语言学概论》 学习指导 第一章 III. Answer the following questions briefly. 1. What features does human language have, which can not be found in animal communication system? 2. Why is spoken language given priority to written language in modern linguistics? 3. What are the features of modern...
《语言学概论》学习指导 第一章III. Answer the following questions briefly. 1.What features does human language have, which can not be found in animal communication system? 2.Why is spoken language given priority to written language in modern linguistics? 3.What are the features of modern ...
19语言学概论学习指导第一章III.Answerthefollowingquestionsbriefly.1. Whatfeaturesdoeshumanlanguagehave,whichcannotbefoundinanimalcomm
语的一个音。为了将语音标记和语言拼写系统区分开来,语言学 家把语音符号放在[ ]中。音标不但使语音学家始终如一地对语言 的声音进行正确地描写,而且还可以帮助语言教师和语言学习者 正确教授和掌握发音。英语教科书和字典一般都采用国际音标。 在描写语音时,为了体现语音的细微差异,语言学使用更为 ...
《新编简明英语语言学教程》学习手册打印版戴炜栋.doc,PAGE PAGE 26 《语言学概论》学习指导 第一章III. Answer the following questions briefly. What features does human language have, which can not be found in animal communication system? Why is spoken languag
《【新编简明英语语言学教程学习手册 第2版 】 外教社 新编简明英语语言学教程 第2版第二版 戴炜栋何兆熊上海外语教育出版社新世纪高等院校英语专业本科生教材大学英语课本考研【博仕文化专营店】》,作者:【新编简明英语语言学教程学习手册 第2版 】 外教社 新编简明英语语
《新编简明英语语言学教程》学习手册(打印版)戴炜栋.doc 《语言学概论?》学习指导第一章II?I. Answe?r the follo?wing quest?ions brief?ly. What featu?res does human? langu?age have, which? can not be found? in anima?l commu?nicat?ion syste?m? Why is spoke?n langu?age given? prior?
a white housea red coata blue birda white housea red coata blue bird综合测试题十Multiple Choice 30 points is the first and fo