7 p. 新概念英语同步练习册答案必备整理 14 p. 新概念英语2b练习册答案 77 p. 新概念英语1同步读写练习册-参考答案 10 p. 新概念英语青少版1A练习册答案 77 p. 新概念英语1同步读写练习册-参考答案 77 p. 新概念英语1同步读写练习册-参考答案 77 p. 新概念英语1同步读写练习册-参考答案 ...
新概念英语1练习册答案 新概念英语1是一套非常受欢迎的英语学习教材,它通过各种练习帮 助学生掌握英语基础。以下是一些新概念英语1练习册的练习题和答 案示例。 练习一:词汇填空 1.The___(cat)isonthesofa. -答案:cat 2.Ihavetwo___(box). -答案:boxes ...
以下是一些新概念英语1练习册的练习题和答案示例。 练习一:词汇填空 1. The ___ (cat) is on the sofa. - 答案:cat 2. I have two ___ (box). - 答案:boxes 3. She is ___ (go) to the park. - 答案:going 4. There are many ___ (child) in the classroom. - 答案:children 5. ...
新概念英语第一册练习册附答案 1-40课 Lesson 1 Excuse me! 对不起! About you Copy this dialogue. Add your own name at the end. 抄写这段对话,在结尾处加上你的名字。 Sue: Excuse me. ___ John: Yes? ___ Sue: Whats your name? ___ John: Pardon? ___ Sue: Whats your name? ___ ...
《新概念英语练习册1》是配合该教材第一册使用的练习材料,旨在巩固和加深学习者对课文内容的理解和应用。以下是一些练习册中可能包含的题型和答案示例: 1. 词汇练习:根据课文内容,填写适当的词汇。 - 例题:The boy is very ___. He can speak three languages. - 答案:intelligent 2. 语法练习:使用正确的...
1新概念英语1练习册85页c题答案救命题!根据情景对话写出你该说的话1.you and a friend are going out.you ar ready,but he or she isn't.2.you want a friend to make a pot of tea for you.3.you are pointing at something for someone who can't see it. 2新概念英语1练习册85页c题答案救命...
新概念英语 1Lesson1Excuseme! 对不起!A AboutyouCopythisdialogue.Addyourownnameattheend.抄写这段对话,在结尾处加上你的名字。Sue:Excuseme.John:Yes?Sue:What'syourname?John:Pardon?Sue:What'syourname?John:MynameisJohn.Sue:What'syourname?You:Mynameis⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯. Vocabulary ___Writethecorrect...
新概念英语1b练习册答案 练习一:词汇填空 1. The cat is under the table. 2. There are three apples on the desk. 3. She is wearing a red dress. 4. The children are playing in the park. 5. He enjoys reading books. 练习二:语法选择题 1. A: What are you doing? B: I am reading ...
收藏练习册 2020年新版新概念英语同步练习1 注:目前有些书本章节名称可能整理的还不是很完善,但都是按照顺序排列的,请同学们按照顺序仔细查找。练习册2020年新版新概念英语同步练习1答案主要是用来给同学们做完题方便对答案用的,请勿直接抄袭。 2020年全一册...
新概念英语第1册练习册附答案新概念英语 1 Lesson 1 Excuse me! 对不起! A About you Copy this dialogue. Add your own name at the end. 抄写这段对话,在结 尾处加上你的名字。 Sue: Excuse me. John: Yes? Sue: What's your name? John: Pardon? Sue: What's your name? John: My name is...