内容提示: 第1 页共 4 页 新概念英语第一册 同步习题 Lesson59-60 一.根据句意和汉语意思写出所缺的单词。 1. The shop assistant is showing me some ___ (信封). 2. The trousers are too large in ___ (尺码). 3. I want some ___ (胶水). 4. Can you give me a piece of ___ (...
新概念英语第一册课后题及答案Lesson59-60 Written exercises书⾯练习 A Rewrite these sentences using -s or -es where necessary. 根据需要为以下句⼦中⽤斜体书写的名词加上-s或-es,或保持原形。 Examples: I don't have any banana, but I have some peach. I don't have any...
新概念英语第一册Lesson59-60(课件)Lesson59Isthatall NewWords envelope['envələup]n.信封writingpaper[‘raitiŋ-’peipə]信纸shopassistant售货员size[saiz]n.尺寸,尺码,大小pad[pæd]n.信笺簿glue[glu:]n.胶水chalk[tʃɔ:k]n.粉笔change[tʃeindʒ]n.零钱,找给的钱 ØListen...
paper意为“纸”、“纸张”时是不可数名词,一张纸应是:🦋a sheet of paper.or 🦋a piece of paper.类似的名词还有:🦋glue:a bottle of glue 一瓶胶水 🦋chalk:a box of chalk 一盒粉笔 a piece of chalk 一枝粉笔 🦋ink:a bottle of ink 一瓶墨水 2.I only have small boxes.我只有小...
Lesson 59 Is that all? 就这些吗? 单词表 1envelope['envələup] n.信封 2writing paper信纸 3shop assistant售货员 4size[saiz] n.尺寸,尺码,大小 5pad[pæd] n.信笺簿 6glue[glu:] n.胶水 7chalk[tʃɔ:k] n.粉笔 8change[tʃeindʒ...
Lesson 59 Is that all? 就这些吗? Listen to the tape then answer this question. Does the lady buy and chalk? 听录音,然后回答问题。这位女士有没有买粉笔? LADY: I want some envelopes, please. SHOP ASSISTANT: Do you want the large size or the ...
5. Iwant twoboxof apples.(改错)I want two boxes of apples. Homework: 作业 家长签字 1.Lesson59-60单词X3 +1音标+1中文 2.背默Lesson59课文和单词 3.练习册Lesson59-60 4.读背Lesson59-60笔记 5.阅读理解,完型填空Passage17-18 6.课堂练、练习册,课前测订错©...
新概念英语第一册Lesson59-60笔记(语法点+配套练习+答案)--第1页 新概念一课堂笔记30 Lesson59Isthatall? 一、单词分类; n. envelope,writingpaper,shopassistant,size,pad,glue,chalk,change 二、课文复习 Lady:Iwantsomeenvelopes,please. Shopassistant:Doyouwantthelargesizeorthesmallsize. Lady:Thelargesize,...
新概念英语第一册课后习题及答案:Lesson59-60.docx,新概念英语第一册课后习题及答案:Lesson59-60 新概念英语第一册课后习题及答案:Lesson59-60 Written exercises书面练习 A Rewrite these sentences using -s or -es where necessary. 根据需要为以下句子中用斜体书写的
[中外双老师新概念英语第一册]Lesson 53&54 An interesting climate 34:07 [中外双老师新概念英语第一册]Lesson 55&56 The Sawyer family 37:41 [中外双老师新概念英语第一册]Lesson 57&58 An unusual day 29:59 [中外双老师新概念英语第一册]Lesson 59&60 Is that all? 40:12 [中外双老师新...