新年愿望清单英文 My New Year's Resolution List As the new year approaches, I'm filled with excitement and anticipation for what lies ahead. Here's my New Year's resolution list: 1. Learn a new language: I've always been fascinated by different cultures and languages, and I believe ...
新年愿望清单英文作文 1. Get in shape and stay healthy, exercise regularly and eat more fruits and vegetables. 2. Travel to new places, experience different cultures and meet interesting people. 3. Learn a new skill or hobby, such as playing a musical instrument or painting. 4. Spend more ...
HAPPY NEW YEAR ◆◆◆ 崭新的一年大幕即将拉开,你许下了新年愿望吗? 你会认真对待你的新年愿望吗,还是没过几天可能就置之脑后? 福布斯杂志(Forbes)统计结果显示,几乎人人都会许下新年愿望,但只有8%的人通过努力让他们的新年愿望成为现实。FirstUK带您盘点一下点击率最高的28条或简单、或奇葩的新年愿望,希望它...
牛津英语:如何用英文来表达新年祝福呢? 新年邻近了.new year's day is coming on the way!新年就要来了!new year's day is (right) around the corner.新年就要来了.在这里,draw near, on the way, around the corner都表示靠近,邻近的意思.再比如,快过年... 分享 回复 赞 明大教育吧 南宁一对一...
如果你也是这样的话,你其实就不需要写新年愿望清单了。——汤姆·福特 发音要点:the way that you want to live it every day为定语从句, the way 是先行词,that 是关系代词 这篇材料你能听出多少?点击这里做听写,提高外语水平>> 想知道自己口语如何?打开"沪江公众号",这里有专业口语测评系统为你打分哟!
【新年快乐!】【2013愿望清单】Lamb起个大早给大家伙拜个年哈~~ 只看楼主收藏回复 sunny_lamb 一代宗师 11 一楼侧脸伪feel 拜年加镇楼哈~ 送TA礼物 1楼2013-02-10 09:40回复 lhydave 妙笔生花 8 祝贺橙名加新年快乐! 2楼2013-02-10 09:44 回复 ...
我对生活充满信心,我想每天活着。如果你也是这样的话,你其实就不需要写新年愿望清单了。——汤姆·福特 语言点:the way that you want to live it every day为定语从句, the way 是先行词,that 是关系代词 这篇材料你能听出多少?点击这里做听写,提高外语水平>>相关...
我对生活充满信心,我想每天活着。如果你也是这样的话,你其实就不需要写新年愿望清单了。——汤姆·福特 发音要点:the way that you want to live it every day为定语从句, the way 是先行词,that 是关系代词 这篇材料你能听出多少?点击这里做听写,提高外语水平>> ...