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数据库系统概念第六版是经典的数据库系统教科书《Database System Concepts》的新修订版,由Abraham Silberschatz、Henry F.Korth、S.Sudarshan三人共同编写。全书全面介绍了数据库系统的各种知识,透彻阐释数据库管理的基本概念。内容十分丰富,不仅讨论了关系数据模型和关系语言、数据库设计过程、关系数据库理论等技术,对实时...
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CHAPTER6Formal Relational QueryLanguagesPractice the following queries in relational algebra, using the . Find the titles of courses in p. Sci. department that have . Find theIDs of all students who were taught by an instructor namedEinstein; make sure there are no duplicates in the . Find th...
CHAPTER5Advanced SQLPractice the circumstances in which you would choose to use embed-dedSQLrather thanSQLalone or only a general-purpose :Writing queries inSQLis typically much easier than codingthe same queries inageneral-purpose programminglanguage.
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