总而言之,"such that" 是一个连接短语或从句的短语,用于表示前一个短语或从句对于后一个短语或从句的限制、条件或要求。它在数学、逻辑推理以及描述条件或限制的句子中都有使用。通过使用 "such that",我们可以在陈述中提供更多的信息并使其更加明确。©...
1.s.t.: such that(使得) 2.w.r.t.: with respect to(关于,针对) 3.w.l.o.g./wlog: without loss of generality(不失一般性) 4.iff: if and only if(当且仅当) 5.w/: with(带有) 6.w/o: without(没有) 7.suff.: sufficient(充分) 8.nec.: necessary(必要) 9.st.: statement(命...
s.t.(such that)表示:“导致,以至于,满足,使得” ⟺表示:“定义,等价,一回事儿” 列一些集合论的基本符号跟定义 AC={x∈X:x∉A} A−B=A∩BC AΔB=(A−B)∪(B−A),也叫对称差(symmetric difference) 令I为非空指数集 (index set),集合系{Aα}α∈I称为不相交 (disjoint),如果Aα∩...
数学证明中常见到s.t.,s.t.是subject to (such that)的缩写,受约束的意思。在数学上,证明是在一个特定的公理系统中,根据一定的规则或标准,由公理和定理推导出某些命题的过程。比起证据,数学证明一般依靠演绎推理,而不是依靠自然归纳和经验性的理据。这样推导出来的命题也叫做该系统中的定理。
How many ways can you choose the digits , , such that < < ? (A) 84 (B) 96 (C) 125 (D) 201 (E) 502 27. When one of the numbers 1, 2, 3, ... , ? 1, was eliminated, the mean of the remaining numbers was 4.75. Which number was eliminated? (A) 5 (B) 7 (...
1、数学是科学的皇后。mathematics is the queen of science.2、数学是打开科学⼤门的钥匙。mathematics is the key that opens the door to science.3、数学是各式各样的证明技巧。mathematics is a wide variety of skills.4、⼤⾃然是⽤数学语⾔写成的书。nature is the book written in mathematical...
that the current is acting. That means that the amount of material deposited is proportional to the charge which goes through the system. It sounds very mathematical, but what is actually happening is that the electrons going through the wire each carry one ...
译文: 译文 Given ε > 0, there exists d >0, such that | f (x) -f ( x0 )| < ε for all x with | x- x0 |<d . -例 2. Equations are of two kinds--- identities and equations of condition, the latter is called equations for short 等式分为两类,恒等式和条件等式,后者简称...
A sequence a n is said to have a limit L if, for every positive number , there is another positive number N (which may depend on ) such that I 28、n this case, we say the sequence a n converges to L. an ? L for all n N. (5) 重要的是, 该集的每一个成员都用一个正整数标...
asuch kind 这样种类[translate] aThe immigrant visa petition filed on behalf of XIU JING ZHANG has become eligible for further processing at the National Visa Center(NVC).Our records show that the current address of the principal applicant is 代表XIU提出的移民签证请求京张变得有资袼进一步处理在全国...