数字设计:原理与实践第五版习题答案 第一章:数字系统基础 1. 布尔逻辑运算包括与(AND)、或(OR)、非(NOT)、异或(XOR)等运算。它们的对应数学符号表示如下: •与(AND):$\\cdot$或$\\land$ •或(OR):或$\\lor$ •非(NOT):$\\overline{A}$或 •异或(XOR):$\\oplus$ 2. 数字系统的信号...
数字设计原理与实践第四版第一二章答案Chapter 1 1.2 (1)A unit which describes a single digit of binary notation was represented either by ’0’ or ‘1’; (2)A unit which describes the digital abstraction that associate a range of analog values with each logic value(0 or 1); (3)A ...
原书英文名Digital Design: Principles and Practices Fifth Edition,作者John F. Wakerly,2018年出版的,答案手册好像叫Instructor's Solutions Manual for Digi ...