"msg": "Service Currently Unavailable","sub_code": "aop.ACQ.SYSTEM_ERROR","sub_msg": "系统...
JSON 示例 {"alipay_trade_refund_response":{"code":"20000","msg":"Service Currently Unavailable","sub_code":"isp.unknow-error","sub_msg":"系统繁忙"},"sign":"ERITJKEIJKJHKKKKKKKHJEREEEEEEEEEEE"} 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 业务错误码 公共错误码...
"msg":"Service Currently Unavailable","sub_code":"aop.ACQ.SYSTEM_ERROR","sub_msg":"系统异常"...
"msg":"Service Currently Unavailable", "sub_code":"isp.unknow-error", "sub_msg":"系统繁忙" } } 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 四.注意问题 1.在RSA签名时,需要私钥和公钥一起参与签名。私钥与公钥都是商户通过OPENSSL来生成得出的。商户把生成出的公钥与支付宝技术人员配置好的支付宝公钥做交换。
分享71 uplay吧 电话跟大家 【求助】为什么育碧账户官网账号密码输对了进不去RT 在线求解 分享184 育碧吧 茄利普贝当😍 为啥我的育碧账号一直登不进去啊 A Ubisoft service is currently unavailable.You can try again later and wait forever,and then you must switch to offline mode. 我已经靠着路由器打开...
106 解决方案:育碧服务当前不可用ubisoft service a1attack 解决方案:育碧服务当前不可用ubisoft service Is currently unavailable 此间为爱... 1-19 0 刚买,游戏一直崩溃进不去怎么办 大佬们 楚南31 刚买,游戏一直崩溃进不去怎么办 大佬们 楚南31 1-19 ...
16560 华硕吧 呱呱呱🌰 华硕b360m主板安装神光同步软件以后打不开出现这个错误提示怎么解决一个礼拜了还是没弄明白主板京东自营买的auraService is currently unavailable.Please close Aura and check if Auraservice is installed and started properly. 分享167 大学吧 闃挎枃馃寶馃寶 兼职下载京东校园app 15元一...
["refund_amount"]=> float(0.01)["refund_reason"]=> string(12) "正常退款"} 返回值 object(stdClass)#471 (7) { ["msg"]=> string(29) "Service Currently Unavailable"["code"]=> string(5) "20000"["out_trade_no"]=> string(20) "20240626143915072318"["sub_msg"]=> string(12) "...
"msg": "Service Currently Unavailable", "sub_code": "isp.unknow-error", "sub_msg": "系统繁忙" }, "sign": "ERITJKEIJKJHKKKKKKKHJEREEEEEEEEEEE" } 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 9、代码实现 9.1基础类 AlipayConfig配置类,主要包含支付宝的配置信息 ...
This statement should include the following information: * Name as it appears on your credit or debit card * Address on file with the card issuer * The customer service phone number 分享10赞 海淘吧 buptcp😇 【攻略】联想7、8通道注册购买流程首先上地址 7通道http://shop.lenovo.com/SEUI...