沪江词库精选提取的英文怎么写、英语单词怎么写、例句等信息 extractive 相似短语 extractive crystallization 抽提结晶 extractive distillation 提取蒸馏,萃取蒸馏 extractive titration 萃取滴定 extractive industry 采掘工业 wood extractive 木材抽出物 extractive metallurgy 提取冶金 extractive technique 提取技术 ...
提取 1. Study on the Extraction Technology of Heme Iron by Distillation; 蒸馏法提取血红素铁技术的研究 2. Study on heme-iron from animal blood and its extracting method; 动物血液血红素铁提取方法研究 更多例句>> 3) extracting [英][iks'trækt] [美][ɪk'strækt] 提取 1. Conditio...
提取 extractrefinewithdraw from a bank or storage locationpick up 相关短语 allergenic extract 变态反应原浸出物 beef extract n.浓缩牛肉汁 absolute extract 纯净萃 ether extract 乙醚,乙醚抽出物 extract operation 取操作 extract wood 萃取用材 liquid extract 液体提出物,流浸膏,流浸膏剂 liver extract n....
I drew all my money out of the bank, draw提取是“提取draw"到 英文 的最佳翻译。 译文示例:“出现特殊情况,在此情况下继续提取贷款将不符合世界银行协定条款第三条第3节的规定。” ↔ an extraordinary situation shall have arisen under which any further withdrawals under the Loan would be inconsiste...
提取收率 1. A technological study on enhancing the extraction rate of astragalus polysaccharids; 提高黄芪多糖提取收率的工艺研究 更多例句>> 4) Extraction and enrichment 提取富集 1. Extraction and enrichmenttechnology is significant to separation and sample pretreatment of biological active component. ...
字词 提取 释义 abstract; collect; draw; extract; pick-up\n【计】 extract\n【化】 abstraction; extract; extraction\n【医】 ext.; extract 随便看 汇票市场 汇票当事人 汇票所载的金额 汇票抵押贷款 汇票担保人 汇票收款人 汇票日期 汇票条款 汇票样本 汇票正本 汇票汇款 汇票的参加承兑 汇票的当事人 ...
6) extraction and concentration 萃取浓缩 例句>> 补充资料:煤炭提取残余物-轻组分烷烃油-酸性提取物与异丙烯的F-C的反应产物 CAS:98072-40-3中文名称:煤炭提取残余物-轻组分烷烃油-酸性提取物与异丙烯的F-C的反应产物英文名称:Extract residues (coal), light oil alk., acid ext., Friedel-Crafts ...
英文翻译 baggage claim 重点词汇 行李───luggage;提取───extract 双语使用场景 Clothes were thrown in theluggagein an untidy heap.───衣服被乱糟糟地扔进旅行箱里。 Passengers with handluggagecan go straight to the departure gate to check in there.───携带手提行李的乘客可直接到登机口办理登...
batch extraction 分批提取,分批萃取 furfural extraction 糠醛萃取 extraction apparatus 萃取器,萃取设备,抽提器 extraction column 提取柱,萃取塔,萃取柱 extraction data 提取数据 extraction flow 排气流量 extraction indicator 提取指示剂 extraction plant 萃取设备 extraction pressure 抽汽压力 ...