掺铒光纤激光器 1. Using the NACLM and a bulk semiconductor saturable absorber, stable passive mode locking in an erbium doped fiber laser can be obtained. 采用非线性放大复合环形镜与半导体饱和吸收体组成复合腔掺铒光纤激光器,获得了十分稳定的被动锁模脉冲输出,得到了重复频率为248MHz的谐频锁模脉冲序列...
Study of Nd3+-doped polarization-maintaining fiber laser掺钕保偏光纤激光器的研究激光技术光纤激光器掺钕保偏光纤偏振By means of numerical analysis,the distribution of pump light and the output laser power along the fiber with different fiber length has been investigated.The experimental research of ...