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接触电阻率 1. Calculation of specific contact resistance in ohmic contacts; 欧姆接触中接触电阻率的计算 2. But Ohmic contacts on p-type GaN with low specific contact resistance are more difficult to realize than those on n-type GaN. 本文介绍了利用金属Au、Cr/Au在p型GaN材料上做了接触性能研...
沪江词库精选非接触电阻率测量英文怎么写、英语单词怎么写、例句等信息 contactless resistivity measurement 翻译推荐 非复接台multiple 非短接的shorting 非邻接页noncontigu 非邻接项noncontigu 非套接字socket 非邻接数据noncontigu 非邻接页面noncontigu 非邻接数据项noncontigu ...
比接触电阻率 1. The specific contact resistance ( ρ _c) of annealed Ti films on n-type 3C-SiC was measured using two kinds of. 用两种不同的传输线模型对Ti/3C-SiC欧姆接触的ρc(比接触电阻率)进行测量,在750°C退火后Ti/3C-SiC的ρc达到了最低值为3。 2) specific contact resistance 比...