招标: [ zhāo biāo ]invite public bidding 其它相关解释:invitation for bid: 招标 IFB: n. 招标 invite to tender: 招标 call for tender: 招标 call for bid: 招标 submit public bids: 招标 invite bid: 招标 to invite tenders: 招标 to call for tenders: 招标 invite a ...
招标书,英文:invitation for bid,招标书是什么意思:工程发包前,对可能参加投标之厂商所发出之邀请投标文件。
招标文件_英文名词1. Introduction This bid document is issued by [Company Name] for the construction of [Project Name], located at [Project Address]. The project is estimated to commence on [Start Date] and be completed by [Completion Date]. All interested contractors are invited to submit ...