拒动1. Trouble analysis of failure to operate of 500kV switch 一起500kV断路器拒动事故的分析2. This paper discusses one failure to operate of 11-digital relay due to deficiency of the external zero-sequence voltage in functional theory. 为此, 对11型微机保护因外部零序电压接入回路缺陷造成拒...
保护和断路器误动或拒动5) miss operation 拒绝动作,误操作,误动作6) misoperation ['misɔpə'reiʃən] 拒动 例句>> 补充资料:欲动梦遗 欲动梦遗 病名。遗精证型之一。见清· 罗国纲《罗氏会约医镜·卷十三·杂证》。指因欲火炽盛,目击美色,夜梦牵绕,淫扰精宫 而 致男子遗精者。亦可因妇人...
保护和断路器误动或拒动5) miss operation 拒绝动作,误操作,误动作6) Prevented Incorrect tripping 防止误动补充资料:凡心动了 凡心动了 凡心动了——美国系列 作者:非马 著 出版社:花城出版社 出版日期:2005-5-1 isbn:7536045557 印次:1 版次:1 纸张:胶版纸 定价:15 元 内容提要 2002年六月初,在海口市...
1. Tests and analysis for resolving telecontrol failures in substations; 解决变电站遥控拒动试验分析2) electrically operated remote control 电动遥控3) remote manual control 遥控手动4) remote start 遥控起动 例句>> 5) ARC Automatic Remote Control 自动遥控 例句>> 6) manual remote control ...
2) breaker rejecting act 断路器拒动 1. The "1·16" failure of Guyuan power grid was caused by line covering ice, the breaker rejecting act and rapid change of failure quantity. 固原电网“1·16”事故是线路覆冰闪络所致,造成事故扩大的原因则是断路器拒动以及故障量的急剧变化。 更多例句>> ...
故障拒动2) refusing open and refusing close fault 拒分拒合故障 3) vibration trouble 振动故障 1. The present paper summarizes the experiences and methods in dealing with those motor vibration troubles in combination with the overall process of checking and repairing a main drive motor vibration...
WXH-803光纤差动保护拒动原因分析 2. Study on One Relay Protection Refused-trip Accident Caused by Protection Jumper Barriers 一起保护跳线障碍导致保护拒动事故分析 3. Analysis of zero-sequence protection resist-operation in 110kV line 一起110kV线路零序保护拒动分析 4. Analysis on the failure to...
拒动概率2) probability of rejection,probability of non acceptance 拒收概率3) rejection probability 拒绝概率4) handoff refuse probability 切换拒绝概率5) movement probability 移动概率 1. Valuation of movement probability has remained difficult to solve up to now without appropriate solution given to...
通过一座110 kV内桥接线变电站的失压事故调查,重点就差动保护电流采样回路故障导致的主变差动保护误动原因、操作回路中合位继电器HWJ与合后继电器HHJ接点的混淆使用导致的备自投拒动原因进行了详细分析,并提出了相应的防范措施。 2. On 20,Jan,there were two circuit breakers miss tripped during the MFT s tr...