在本文中,我们学习了如何解决Python数据可视化时出现的错误类型为“TypeError: string indices must be integers”。通过按照一般的解决流程,我们可以定位错误的代码行,并检查其中的索引操作。然后
type(mydict) == type({}) #检查不是字典 如果是字典,再看看有没有这样的属性:mydict.has_key('mykey') 1、 看看变量是否是字典 2、检查字典是否有对应的key值 if'like'incondition: cond_str1= condition.split('like')[0].strip() cond_str2= condition.split('like')[1].strip()print(staff...
The error you're encountering, TypeError: string indices must be integers, not 'str', suggests that the application is attempting to access elements of a string using string keys, which is only valid for dictionaries or lists. This typically happens when the data structure expected is a list ...
File "e:/CodeFiles/saucedemo/Common/parse_yaml.py", line 6, in parse_yaml return datas[section][key] TypeError: string indices must be integers 导致原因:yaml文件格式不规范,冒号后面要有空格,粗心忘记了。加上之后读取成功。
RequestsLibrary报错TypeError: string indices must be integers 使用post request 进行接口请求,总是报错 代码如下: 执行后报错: 不知道哪里有问题呢?如果能给个post request的demo更好,data、params两个参数有什么区别也不太明白。 求大神解决 很早之前自己写过一个类似RequestsLibrary的库。
TypeError: string indices must be integers cheliosooocommentedJul 6, 2020 I also had this issue. Was very odd since it worked fine on one mac but didn't work on another. Nonetheless I had to go into the poco driver class to patch things up. ...
解决:nrm 报错 throw new TypeError(‘Path must be a string. Received ‘ + inspect(path))?,程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。
TypeError: list indices must be integers or slices,notstr 今天写学生信息管理系统的时候出现的一个错误 本来是想对字典中的信息进行遍历,却不小心写成了列表,后来列表改为字典就行了TypeError: ‘type’objectisnotsubscriptable这种错误说明你把不具有下标操作的对象加上 ...
requests请求后,response.text打印后是一个形似dict的东西,打印其类型,发现为Unicode类型。 此时若直接将其当做dict来索引,会报错 TypeError:string indices must be integers 解决此问题,需要先将Unicode类型的数据转换成 string,在用json.load()将其转换成dict。
X-AnyLabeling custom2dota报错:for shape in data["shapes"]: TypeError: string indices must be integers 修改为: class RotateLabelConverter(BaseLabelConverter): def custom_to_dota(self, input_file, output_file): with open(input_file, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f:...