沪江词库精选报道英文怎么写、英语单词怎么写、例句等信息 report 相似短语 report on报道…,作有关…的报道 to report报告 by report据报道,据传,据说… report for给…当记者 report tovt.汇报,向...提供情况 grade report成绩通知单 call report财政决算 ...
更多例句>> 4) the major scientific and technological events 网络专题报道 5) Thematic-collection 专题集报 6) special report 专题报告 例句>> 补充资料:《美国新闻与世界报道》 美国综合性报道和评论的英文周刊。1948年由《美国新闻》和《世界报道》两种杂志合并而成。创办人D.劳伦斯。在华盛顿出版。原属美国...
3) Advertisement report 广告报道4) letter report 通信报告5) put a notice in the paper 登报通告6) trajectory report 弹道通报 1. Firstly, the author, in this essay, has proceeded from the compiling principles of the trajectory report and the actual situations of the field troops,. ...
reportv.[T] 1.(以口头或书面形式)报告或报道(所闻﹑ 所见﹑ 所做﹑ 研究所得等); 记述; 叙述 2.公布(某事物)(尤指藉出版或广播);发布; 宣告 3.告发;举报 v.[I] 1. under reportv. 少報(收入等),报告不足 case report病例报告 翻译推荐 ...
report相关短语 report on 报道…,作有关…的报道 to report 报告 by report 据报道,据传,据说… report for 给…当记者 report to vt.汇报,向...提供情况 grade report 成绩通知单 call report 财政决算 damage report 损坏报告书 exception report 异常报告,例外报告 feedback report 反馈报告 ...
灾难事件报道例句>> 2) The report of disastrous events 灾难性事件报道 1. The report of disastrous events plays an unneglectable role in raising the reputation and the public credit of the media and the good image of the government. 灾难性事件报道对于提升媒介的知名度,树立媒介的公信力和树立...
更多例句>> 6) economic reports 经济报道 1. Only by strengtheningeconomic reportson macroscopic and microcosmic do the reports have more authority and direct quality. 社会主义市场经济客观上要求经济报道必须从宏观与微观两个层面进行。 2. It is well know that the issue of how to gain a victory in...
据报道这个地区明天将会有雨用英语怎么说英文翻译 It is reported that there will be rain in this area tomorrow 重点词汇 雨───rain 双语使用场景 We never stop working, rain or shine.───天好我们也干, 天不好我们也干. Rosy morning clouds indicate rain, and a rosy sunset means fine ...
新闻报道 与单词:press coverage 相关的例句或者名人名言 An official may also exploit press coverage in order to establish his agency's credibility with constituency groups, or to bring pressure to bear on other government agencies. 行政官员还可利用新闻报道来确立他所在的机关与选民集团的信用关系,...