这篇文章是TPO71第一篇文章,欢迎同学们来练习,建议做题时间:18分钟。 参考答案和视频讲解在最后。 参考答案BACBC DDAA CDE 视频讲解如果你想系统学习托福阅读的题型技巧,和完备的阅读训练计划+题目讲解,可以…
托福阅读tpo67R-2原文+译文+题目+答案+背景知识 热度: 1 托福阅读tpo71R-1ElectricalEnergyfromtheOcean 原文...1 译文...5 题目...
托福阅读71套TPO(含答案).pdf,TPO_001 Groundwater Groundwater is the word used to describe water that saturates the ground, filling all the available spaces. By far the most abundant type of groundwater is meteoric water; this is the groundwater that cir
最后,tpo71第三篇文章The Productivity of Wet Rice Farming详细说明了湿稻农耕的高产原因,把握住关键信息点能够选择BCBBA BDBA BDE。所以,合理运用TPO文章练习,对掌握托福阅读技巧大有裨益。 TPO71第一篇文章Electrical Energy from the Ocean答案解析 TPO71第一篇文章Electrical Energy from the Ocean讲述了利用海洋...
托福阅读TPO模考网站 https://liuxue.koolearn.com/toefl/read/ Official 阅读题目练习 全套托福阅读题在线练习,支持按话题/难度分类答题。 生词难词一键查询释义,配套原文逐句翻译及专业答案解析。 托福TPO1-75部分试题、答案如下:
所属专辑:TPO55-75托福口语参考答案 喜欢下载分享 用户评论 表情0/300发表评论 暂时没有评论,下载喜马拉雅与主播互动音频列表 1 xpo28-task3sensory.memory 452023-05 2 71-4effective feedback 482023-05 3 61-1 live 472023-05 4 61-2maths 352023-05 5 61-2maths 342023-05 6 61-3-health 342023-05...
2023-05-01 10:04:3801:0165 所属专辑:TPO55-75托福口语参考答案 猜你喜欢 1.3万 Music by:NO1的坤坤 25.6万 MUSIC by:听友21940402 1.1万 Music by:Weircheung 7528 music by:紫云Q 226 MUSIC by:忤什欹_yi 5.3万 Music by:Smiling_暗区突围 ...
TPO51托福阅读passage3:The Role of the Ocean in Controlling Climate原文文本+真题答案 第三篇:社会学 The Role of the Ocean in Controlling Climate To predict what the climate will be like in the future, scientists must rely on sophisticated computer models. These models use mathematical equations ...
1.According to paragraph 1, both wind energy and the rotation of Earth contribute to the creation of A. waves B. oceanic current C. a gravitational attraction between earth and the sun and the moon D. tides 2.The word“harness”in the passage is closest in meaning to A. put into use...