托福听力tpo41 lecture1、2、3、4 原文+题目+答案+译文 托福听力tpo41lecture1、2、3、4原文+题目+答案+译文Lecture1 (2)原文 (2)题目 (4)答案 (5)译文 (6)Lecture2 (7)原文 (7)题目 (9)答案 (11)译文 (12)Lecture3 (13)原文 (13)题目 (16)答案 (18)译文 (18)Lecture4 (20)原文 (20)题...
1.What does the professor talk about with the man? A. Reasons the man should work at the field station next summer instead of working independently B. Reasons the man should change the focus of his independent study project C. Projects that the man has permission to work on next summer D...
托福听力tpo41lecture1、2、3、4原文+题目+答案+译文 Lecture12 原文2 题目4 答案5 译文6 Lecture27 原文7 题目9 答案11 译文12 Lecture313 原文13 题目16 答案18 译文18 Lecture420 原文20 题目22 答案24 译文24 Lecture1 原文 FEMALEPROFESSOR:Manyorganismshavedevelopedtheabilitytosurviveinharsh environmental...
如果想进一步了解,可以去翻一些相关的资源。这些小细节往往会影响你的听力理解。 听力步骤📚 听一遍原文做题:先整体听一遍原文,尽量理解大意,即使有些地方听不懂也没关系。 一句一句听:遇到长句子,先听一整句,再把句子分成几个小部分来听。这样更容易理解。 短句听不懂的原因🤔 有生词:需要积累词汇。 发音不...
『新东方在线托福听力』为托福考生准备了ETS托福TPO/Official 41 Lec 4听力练习:Why is the planet Gliese 581e unlikely to support carbon-based life?原文题目答案解析,TPO/Official 41 Lec 4听力原文范文音频翻译。
托福TPO41听力题目+答案+MP3音频上传人:辉*** IP属地:湖北 上传时间:2023-04-02 格式:DOCX 页数:2 大小:2.84MB 积分:6 举报 版权申诉 全文预览已结束 下载本文档 版权说明:本文档由用户提供并上传,收益归属内容提供方,若内容存在侵权,请进行举报或认领文档简介 经典word整理文档,仅参考,双击...
所属专辑:托福TPO 1~75听力音频(持续更新中) 喜欢下载分享 声音简介 学托福联系V: bravoyouth Listen to a conversation between a student and an ecology professor Professor:I have some good news for you. One of the students who was signed up for the summer term at the field station next year ...
托福TPO41听力Conversation2题目 1.What are the speakers mainly discussing? A. The procedures for applying for different types of scholarships B. Where the man must go to submit his financial-aid application C. How students can get help paying their tuition D. Various organizations that offer work...
托福TPO41听力Conversation1文本 Professor:I have some good news for you. One of the students who was signed up for the summer term at the field station next year won't be attending after all. Your name's first on the waiting list. So if you still want to do it, the space is ...