Paragraph 1: Earth’s atmosphere has changed through time. Compared to the Sun, whose composition is representative of the raw materials from which Earth and other planets in our solar system formed, Earth contains less of some volatile elements, such as nitrogen, argon, hydrogen, and helium. ...
earth's atmosphere 首先地球是一个岩石状的聚集体,他在早期太阳系里面会通过相互的碰撞,然后逐渐形成了这样的一个类球体。这个时候是没有大气层的。然后随着地球的不断聚集,它的引力使得地球的各物体开始分层,比较重的铁和镍就聚到了地球的中间,并且被加热成了熔岩状,形成了地核,而轻一点儿的石头一类的物质,分...
The Origin of Earth’s Atmosphere Paragraph 1:In order to understand the origin of Earth's atmosphere, we must go back to the earliest days of the solar system, before the planets themselves were formed from a disk of rocky material spinning around the young Sun. This material gradually coal...
constituent = component gradual = slow predominate = are in the majority diffuse = spread 以上就是新东方在线托福网为你带来的托福阅读:Earth’s Atmosphere,更多精彩敬请关注新东方在线托福网。
The many part of the earth’s atmosphere are linked with the various parts of the earth’s surface to produce a whole---the climate system. Different parts of the earth’s surface react to the energy of the sun in different ways. For example, ice and snow reflect much of it. Land su...
2022年11月9日托福真题:阅读(新东方) 第一篇: Formation of earth’s atmosphere and ocean 地球大气形成,最早的时候地球上既没有ocean也没有atmosphere,是地球内部的运动和陨石的碰撞形成。steam通过冷却形成谁。说是火山喷发什么的会夹杂着steam nitrogen oxygen氢气等等,等着气温下降水汽凝聚形成pool,但是后来又说...
1.generate=gener-出生、产生、基因+-ate动词后缀=产生,发生,导致 2.photosynthesis=photo-光+synthesis组合综合=光合作用 synthesis=syn-一起+thes-放+is=放在一起=合成 3.sedimentary=sediment沉积物+-ary形容词后缀=沉积的 sediment=sed-坐+i+-ment名词后缀=沉淀物,沉积物 ...
所属专辑:用托福阅读真题-高效记托福单词 声音简介 1.composition=com-一起+pos-放+-ite形容词名词动词后缀+-ition名词后缀=组成 2.volatile=vol-轻盈的,飞+-ile形容词后缀=易挥发的,不稳定的 3.constituent=con-一起+stitu-站,建立,放+-ent名词后缀=构成物 ...
阅读第1篇话题重复2014.05.17 Habitat Selection和2013.03.30 Habitat Selection of Animals;第2篇话题重复2016.08.27 Impact of Railroad Transportation in the United States和2016.08.20 Nineteenth-century Railroads in the United States;第3篇话题重复2016.02.27和2014.11.09 Formation of Earth’s Atmosphere and ...