托福试题大全及答案 一、托福阅读部分 1.阅读文章:城市化的影响 问题:城市化对环境和社会的影响是什么? 答案:城市化导致人口向城市集中,增加了交通拥堵和空气污染,同时也带来了更多的就业机会和社会服务。 2.阅读文章:生物多样性的保护 问题:为什么生物多样性对于生态系统至关重要? 答案:生物多样性有助于维持生态...
托福考试试题和答案 一、阅读部分 1.阅读文章:《The Origin of Theater》 The theater has its origins in ancient Greece, where it was a part of religious festivals. The first plays were performed in honor of Dionysus, the god of wine and fertility. The theater was not only a place for ...
TOEFL试题 1 1.Between 1870 and 1 890 the total population of tile United States---. (A) that doubled (B) doubled (C) It doubled (D) when doubled 2. Intended to display the work of twentieth-century artists, in 1929. (A) the opening of the Museum of Modern Art (B) so the ...
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托福模拟试题 1 Glacier National park in Montana shares boundaries with Canada, an American Indian reservation, and a national forest. Along the North Fork of the Flathead River, the park also borders about 17,000 acres of private lands that are currently used for ranching, timber, and agricult...
托福英语试题题库及答案 一、听力部分 1.听下面一段对话,回答问题。 对话内容:(略) 问题:这段对话中,两个人讨论的主题是什么? A.旅行计划 B.学术报告 C.购物清单 D.餐厅预订 答案:B 2.听下面一段讲座,回答问题。 讲座内容:(略) 问题:教授在讲座中提到了哪种动物的迁徙行为? A.蝴蝶 B.海龟 C.鲸鱼 ...
托福试题及答案托福试题及答案 一、听力理解(Listening Comprehension) 1. 根据录音材料,以下哪个选项是学生和教授讨论的主题? A. 气候变化对农业的影响 B. 城市规划中的交通问题 C. 历史事件的解读方法 D. 当代艺术的发展趋势 答案:C 2. 录音中提到的“sustainable development”是指什么? A. 经济的持续增长 B...
gEothErmAl EnErgy is nAturAl hEAt From thE intErior oF thEEArth thAt is ConvErtED to hEAt BuilDings AnD gEnErAtE ElECtriCity. thE iDEA oF hArnEssingEArth’s intErnAl hEAt is not nEw.As EArly As 1904, gEothErmAl powEr wAs usED in itAly. toDAy,EArth’s nAturAl intErnAl hEAt is BEing usED to gE...
托福考试模拟试题及答案 1 1. While play is important at all levels of human development, ___ takes on particular significance when children are five and six years old. A. it B. and C. which D. because it 答案:A 分析:缺主语。it 在这里作为形式主语。 参考译文...
托福阅读全真试题一 【题材分类】生物学 【标题】猫头鹰的眼睛 对猫头鹰的眼睛与众不同。猫头鹰的眼睛有助于他们在视觉上深度的延伸,因为眼球形状不一样。猫头鹰的脖子可以270度转动,背后的眼睛mark会警示捕食者(predator)。涉及到辨别颜色的眼球细胞,人类有三种细胞,部分鸟类有四种,而猫头鹰只有两种,且其中一种细胞数...