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历年托福考试真题汇编(含答案) ——实用的辅导资料:资源库/知识清单/划重点/学霸笔记—— 第7页,共28页9/16 历年托福考试真题汇编(含答案) ——实用的辅导资料:资源库/知识清单/划重点/学霸笔记—— 第8页,共28页9/16 历年托福考试真题汇编(含答案) ——实用的辅导资料:资源库/知识清单/划重点/学霸笔记—...
托福考试真题与答案托福考试真题与答案Section One: Listening Comprehension1.(A) She'll type the man's paper for him.(B)The computer won't be available immediately.(C) The man should be more patient.(D) She doesn't want the man to use her computer.2.(A) Read the woman's letter.(B...
托福听力真题及答案.pdf,S1-C1 【答案】D BC A D C Listen to a conversation between a student and the facilities director S: o, Miss Miller. My name is Mike Johnson and I represent the students who live in oak tree dormitory. P: Nice to meet you. I understa
托福阅读真题100篇原文+题目(二).pdf,托福阅读真题100篇原文+题目(二) PASSAGE 2 The geology of the Earths surface is dominated by the particula properties of water. Presenton Earth in solid, liquid, and gaseous states, water is exceptionally reactive. It dis
SECTION IPART A 1.A He is not sure where the studentservice9 office is.B He recently got a new student ID card.C He is t
Ø 词汇题:exploiting, strenuous, implements, justifiablyP2:Ø 标题:The Mycenaean CollapseØ 大意:早期的 Mycenaean culture 是源于古代希腊,当年由于古希腊经济很好,城市不断扩张,贸易加剧,呈现出一份祥和繁荣景象,但是后期的 Mycenaeanculture 突然消失,引得大家猜测原因究竟为何?第一种猜测理论是,由于火山喷发...
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