托福综合写作真题 1 The writer and the speaker have a debate on labyrinths in northeast of Russia. The writer provides three purposes, which are opposed by the following lecture. First, the writer claims that because of because of high sea level, labyrinths can be used to trap fish. While t...
🔍 2024年托福学术讨论写作部分,新题占比高于老题,但话题类型依旧延续“换汤不换药”的趋势。不少题目的题干来源于之前的独立写作,因此平时的积累至关重要。🌟 “学校教育”和“生活方式”类话题依然是重点,这两类话题的延展度很高,备考托福写作的同学务必关注。📈 今年限定类话题的出现频率是开放类的6倍,再...
托福写作真题作文经典 11 While some countries have strong programs against illiteracy, others still do not care that much. But, illiteracy has become a big obstacle during the last century and is still problematic question now with quick development of technology and automation. From my everyday ex...
历次托福写作真题高分范文一 The professor refutes the three explanation raised the reading of the usage of the shafts in the pyramid. First, the professor does not believe the idea mentioned in the reading that shafts are used as the ventilation for workers to breathe fresh air. She pointed ou...
托福独立写作真题 1 【题目】 Nowadays, children rely too much on the technology, like computers, smartphone, video games for fun and entertainment; playing simpler toys or playing outside with friends would be better for the childrens development. ...
托福写作第2题,也就是我们常说的“学术讨论写作”,要求考生们在模拟的学术讨论中,通过回应教授的提问来参与讨论。这道题的范围是在大学课程中遇到的问题或主题。 这道题要求你的作文需要清晰、有条理,并且能够表达你对这个话题的看法或分享你的想法。你有10分钟的时间来阅读题目+写作文,字数要求是100+字,但托你...
2024托福独立写作真题及范文 2024.1.7 •You are helping to select a leader for a student organization or a group. Do you think a person's honest is the most important characteristic for being a leader? 2024.1.14 As a student of university that has a long break between university semesters,...
1.托福写作真题: 题目:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is better to study with a group of students than to study alone. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. 2.托福写作范文: In my opinion, studying with a group of students is better than study...
首发于托福写作 切换模式写文章 登录/注册2024.4.6托福综合写作 真题分析+范文 琦琦是机器猫呀 托福雅思GRE SAT2 人赞同了该文章 综合写作大纲 阅读:俄罗斯labyrinths的用途 1.用来捕鱼trap fish .天文用途astronomical purpose 3. burial and ritual place,和巨石阵Stonehenge类似 听力认为这些都不可信: 1.在inland...