注1:托福写作出题趋势一直在改变,练习越新鲜的题目越好。 注2:该汇总更新至 2022 年 12 月 21 日。 注3:市面上流传的真题汇常有低级语法错误以及中式英语,例如 see a movie 这样不地道的表达,或者 the society 这样的低级错误。下面的真题我已经亲自修正过。 托福写作备考干货,请移步关注公众号【写作疑难杂...
独立写作真题: Many films and TV shows are repeatedly played for so many years and are considered as Classic. People believe these classics are of higher value and quality, while others believe new films and TV shows are of better quality and more...
In contemporary society, it is widely acknowledged that(众所周知=there is a widespread belief that) reading has assumed a vital role in(起重要作用) the development of youngsters. The issue of whet…
第二点, 有些人饲养宠物是为了自我炫耀 Some people show off their wealth and status by buying expensive pets. 宠物是比较贵的, 特别是优良品种的狗或猫, 所以一些人把*贵的宠物看成是身份的标志和显示自己*生活方式以及价值观的渠道 今天和大家分享一下2022年4月30日的独立写作真题。这是一道观点题,题目...
截止到4.9日所有托福线下真考的独立写作题目,和原创参考思路。 如能背诵80%以上表达,成绩定能轻松达到27-30分。如需要去年写作真题解析的,可练习我们学而老师索要。 添加微信获取更多资料 我们知道托福独立写作题目是重复出现的,而且重复率相当高,甚至同年内也会重复考一样的题目。所以备考同学复习真题还是很有意义的...
小编给大家整理了托福2022年最新独立写作和口语真题,快来一起看看吧! 独立写作真题最新版 4.3 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Getting advice from friends who are older than you is more valuable than getting advice from friends your same age. ...
继昨日上线了2022年1-2月托福线下独立写作真题全解析后,Ethan老师又在多位同学催促之下,整理了今年3-4月的独立写作题目和原创参考思路。 如果同学能背诵80%以上的写作表达,成绩定能轻松达到27-30分。 废话不多说,Let's Go ! 2022.3.2托福独立写作真题解析: ...
2022年1月5日托福写作考试真题 独立写作 The most important goal of education is to teach people how to educate themselves. 文末调取TD为你精心准备的托福独立题目高分示范。 TD托福原创出版物《托福写作120(第2版)》命中今日1.5托福线下考试独立写作原题!恭喜购书的同学~ 综合写作 一种服务系统,可以不用人工...
独立写作 【完全重复20220302】Some people believe that the government should encourage people to drive private cars by lowering the price of gasoline and building more roads and highways, while others believe that the government should encourage people to take public transportation by building more ...