新托福写作 1 Choosing whether to buy a house or a business with saved money is a huge decision to make. There are many benefits to both of choices; however, I think that if I had enough money to buy one or the other, I would choose to buy a house. When one buys a business, he...
In a world of light-speed data transmission, any individual with little training and expertise can make a fortune from the Internet. Many companies, like Amazon.com or eBay, thrive from business done through Internet transactions. 托福考试写作练习参考 10 It is possible to learn on one’s own ...
托福写作高分 1 The world is changing and developing at a faster and faster rate all the time. Because of this, the difference between children and their parents is becoming more pronounced with each new generation. In todays society, there are many differences between the age groups. When our...
新版托福考试写作部分包括两篇写作,第一篇是综合写作(Integrated Writing),字数要求150-225,限时20分...
一、综合写作 综合写作的具体形式和流程就不赘述了,不了解的可以自行阅读OG或做一套TPO,比单纯看文字解释快得多。(文末也附了TPO的正确刷题方法~) 1、得分关键 首先强调下综合写作的得分关键。从题目要求和评分标准来看,综合写作最看重的是「内容」——阅读和听力材料关键信息的抓取与复述、材料关系的明确对应。
托福写作官方标准托福写作官方标准 托福写作分为综合写作和独立写作两部分,官方对这两部分都制定了明确的评分标准,具体如下: 综合写作。 1. 内容完整性:要求考生准确概括阅读和听力材料中的关键信息,并清晰阐述两者之间的关系。例如,在一项针对托福考生的研究中发现,能够完整涵盖阅读和听力要点的文章,平均得分比遗漏...
托福综合写作(Integrated Writing)是写作部分的第一个task,其流程如下:1. 有3分钟的时间阅读一篇有关学术主题的文章(四段,250 至 300 字)。2. 听一段同一主题的讲座录音(约 2 分钟)。3. 用20分钟的时间写一篇论文,讨论这两个材料来源之间的关系 1. 论证 阅读材料提出一个论点,而讲座提出一个反...
篇1:tpo托福写作范文 托福TPO17综合写作范文:鸟类数量减少的原因 在新托福综合写作中,有的同学语言使用的能力还有一定局限,还要刻意追求句式的复杂化,但这样的后果就是写出来的句子个个都有错,个个都有表达不清。其实用最好的词表达最多的内容才是最厉害的写作方式,本文为大家整理了一篇新托福综合写作范文,来源于...