练习-托业真题5-6题型模拟题+答案解析3套.docx,1 / 32 托业题型 5.6 练习模拟题 第一套题目 模拟卷 [A] completed [B] completion [C] complete [D] completely 5.We invest funds on of over 120 clients including pension funds, insurance companies, and government en
历年托业口语考试真题练习 1.There has been a lot of ___ prejudice in American. A. realistic B. racial C. recycled D. rebellious 2.He is an incurable idealist; it's unlike to help him come down to earth and be more ___. A. realistic B. racial C. recycled D. rebellious 3....
历年托业口语考试真题练习.There has been a lot of prejudice in American.A. realistic B. racial C. recycled D. rebellious.He is an inc
练习-托业真题56题型模拟题答案解析3套.pdf,托业题型5.6 练习模拟题 第一套题目 模拟卷 [A] completed [B] completion [C] complete [D] comple y 5.We invest funds on ___of over 120 c nts including pen funds, insurance companies, and ernment entities, as wel
托业听力真题练习part1 活动第一期 【托业真题part1:听力测试-图片描述题】 PART 1 Directions: For each question in this part, you will hear four statements about a picture in your test book. When you hear the statements, you must select the one statement that best describes what you see in ...
托业题库真题模拟新版练习toeicpart1234567试题集模拟试题雅思 【新版】新托业最新真题模拟及详解:听力题库 托业英语考试2019全真模拟试题集part1234567新版 托业toeic真题练习题库 ¥22.69 折后¥22.69 发货地: 广东 清远 风格: 托业 题库 真题 模拟 新版 练习 TOEIC 试题集 模拟试题 图文详情 本店推荐...
【托业真题part3:听力测试-简短对话】 PART 3 Directions: You will hear some conversations between two people. You will be asked to answer three questions about what the speakers say in each conversation. Select the best response to each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C) or (D)...
J-TEST日语托业考试练习题及答案(1) 次のかっこの中に正しいことばを入れなさい。 1. 一度は断念した( )、どうしてもあきらめきれない。 1. ので 2. けれど 3. のは 4. なら 2. クラスの友人( )旅行は楽しかった。 1. との 2. と 3. といっしょ 4. とまで...
新托业听力看这本就够了 包括自我诊断 考试学习 计划表 攻略 模拟试题 听力口语阅读练习 托业英语真题 新托业听力特训TOEIC