戴炜栋新编简明英语语言学教程2版考点.pdf,第 1章 导言 本章要点: 1. The definition and main branches of linguistics study 语言学的定义和研究的范围 2. Important distinctions in Linguistics 语言学的一些重要区分 3. The definition and the design features of l
戴炜栋新编简明语言学教程文档版 Lingui stics is a scient ificstudyof langua ge .语言学是对语言进行的科学研究。Genera l lingui stics is the studyof langua ge as a whole.普通语言学是对语言从整体上进行的研究 the major ...
戴炜栋_新编简明语言学教程文档版_理学_高等教育_教育专区。hing at a time and All things in their being are good for somethin Linguistics is a scientific stud hing at a time and All things in their being are good for somethin Linguistics is a scientific study of language . 语言学是对语言进行...