We have assigned case number 07318719 to this interaction and included it in your case history so you can refer to its details as needed, or if you need to contact us again regarding this same issue. Please remember that you may need to log in to our Help Center to view your case ...
you:Thank you very much, may I ask when to get?Mayank:After some time, you have to logout and login again , after some timeyou:Yes, I probably know after how much time I need to logout and log in again?Mayank:within half an hour...you:You can get? Is not it? There will be...
Vinay: Thank you and Happy New Year to you in advance.Vinay: If you need help with anything else, please feel free to contact us anytime!Vinay: Have a nice time ahead!you: survey is done!you: thank youVinay: Thank you very much!Vinay: All pleasure is mine, It was my pleasure to...