成型滤波器 1. Theforming filterof stochastic sea interference is designed and realized based on the method of least squares step by step in this paper. 通过引入成型滤波器,采用 EKF,提高了状态估计的精度 ,实现对随机海浪扰动力和力矩的估计。
内插滤波器 1. In all digital receiver based on the non-synchronization sampling timing recovery is achieved with the help ofinterpolator. 比较了同步采样和异步采样条件下符号同步实现方法的不同,在全数字接收机中需要采用内插方法来实现符号同步,内插滤波器是一种线性时变滤波器,在工程中可以采用多项式内插...
频域成型滤波器 2) frequency-domain filter 频域滤波器 1. Thefrequency-domain filteris designed to remove normal texture information, based on the image reconstruction, fabric normal texture and defects are isolated by image segmentation. 设计频域滤波器抑制正常纹理频谱信息,通过重构对灰度图像进行分割,实现...
频谱成型滤波器 2) frequency spectrum 频谱 1. Study onfrequency spectrumcharacteristics of acoustic emission in coal or rock deformation and fracture; 煤体破裂声发射的频谱特征研究 2. Frequency Spectrum Characteristics of Loran-CPPM Coding Communication; ...