总的来说,这些表达包括但不限于“would like”、“feel like”、“be willing to”、“desire”、“long for”、“wish”、“intend”以及“be desirous to”等。下面将详细解释这些表达及其使用场景。 一、正式场合的表达 在正式场合,为了表达更加得体和专业,可以选择使用以下表达:...
Now, you're thinking: "It's a simple word, just say 'want' every time."现在,你想一下:“want是一个简单的词,每次都用‘want’表达‘想要’。”But native speakers like to mix up their language a little bit; they like to use different things, different expressions for different moods, ...
1. “I would like” (我想要) - 例句:I would like to have a cup of coffee. (我想要一杯咖啡。) 2. “I desire” (我渴望) - 例句:I desire to achieve my goals. (我渴望实现我的目标。) 3. “I crave” (我渴求) - 例句:I crave for your understanding. (我渴求你的理解。) 4. “...
1. I want to + do 想要做某事 I want to go swimming this weekend. 我想要这个周末去游泳。 2. I would like to + do 想要做某事 I would like to visit Paris someday. 我想有一天去巴黎旅行。 3. I feel like + v.-ing 想要做某事 I feel like eating pizza tonight. 我今晚想吃比萨饼。
当我们表示需要某物事,一般都会用“ I want”来表示。当然,这个是表达需求的最直接也是最简单的方式。但是,我们也想让自己的英语水平更加地高。所以,我们今天就来总结一下,有哪些是表达需要的句子吧! 1. I feel like a pizza. 我想要吃披萨。 看这个字面意思,你们可能会误会它的意思。但是实际上它的意思和“...
在生活中,我们为了表达自己的意愿,通常通过想要来实现,那么,在英语中,想要可以怎么说呢?英语中表示想要的词组很多,我们一起来看看吧。1、would like,想要。例句:He asked his daughter what she would like for her birthday .他问女儿过生日想要什么。2、be in the mood for/to do,当我们要表示此刻...
want想要,这个有..表达愿望wish的近义词wish fordesire fancy long forcrave covet hope foryearn forthirst forhunger forpine forha
喜欢做某事的高级英语表达 喜欢做某事的高级英语表达 1. have an affinity for doing sth 2. be passionate about/ for sth 3. have an inclination toward doing sth 4. be fond of doing sth 5. relish doing sth 6. be eager to do sth 7. take pleasure in doing sth 8. be moved by sth 想要...
英语常用句型综合(52) + “想要做 / 打算做……” 的几种表达 常用的有下面几种: 1. will/shall do……将要做…… 2. be going to do……打算(计划或安排)做…… 3. be doing……计划(安排)做…… 4. be to do...