恭喜发财歌曲英文版恭喜发财歌曲英文版 以下是恭喜发财的英文版歌词: Wishing you health and prosperity With every step you take The world is at your fingertips And all your dreams are in reach May happiness and joy be yours With every sunrise and sunset And may the love you give Return to ...
歌词大全 以下是《恭喜发财》的英文版歌词: Wishing you health and prosperity. With every step you take, The world is at your fingertips. And all your dreams are in reach. May happiness and joy be yours, With every sunrise and sunset. And may the love you give, Return to you a hundredfo...
见面第一句话 就是恭喜恭喜 恭喜恭喜恭喜你呀 恭喜恭喜恭喜你 (2) Spring time will be coming soon Bring us the good news Soft warm breeze is blowing Giving life to good earth Gongxi gongxi gongxi niya Gongxi gongxi gongxi niya 冬天已...
#涌入中国的老外开始练春节神曲了 最近大量外国网友转战中国社交媒体,一段外国男生唱《恭喜发财》的视频引发关注!原来,这位来自德国的男生和中国女友回家过年,在回家路上很开心就唱了起来!本来只想记录一下开心时刻,没想到网友被男生的高颜值,和魔性的歌声吸引#英文版恭喜发财能有多抽象 网友评论:“歌词这么烫嘴吗!