我們已在2025年1月19日更改個人e-Banking的網域名稱,現時的網址以www.hangseng.com開頭。你應只透過我們的官方網站www.hangseng.com登入個人e-Banking,在需要時,請重新確認你信任的瀏覽器以便未來使用。 輕鬆網上理財 無論何時何地,你都可使用智能手機或電腦登入恒生個人e-Banking享受一站式電子銀行服務。立即登記...
前往桌面版個人e-Banking登入頁面,輸入用戶名稱後點擊「繼續」。 常見問題 註腳 備註 方括號 1我們將於服務更新生效前通知網上理財用戶,讓用戶提早知悉詳情。 方括號 2流動保安編碼啟動後,你的實體保安編碼器將會自動失效,而你再亦無需使用保安編碼器。由2022年7月1日起,我們不再發出新的實體保安編碼器。
ebanking service which you cannot access Everytime I want to login the apps for performing some functions or check something for my bank accounts, I was forced to update the apps and was not allowed to access the apps without updating. And it always takes long time for loading and loading...
全新恒生個人流動理財服務應用程式「恒生Mobile App」提供全面的理財功能,讓你輕鬆及安全地進行手機開戶、轉賬、理財及投資等,滿足日常個人理財需要。立即下載! 日常理財,輕鬆安心辦妥 • 透過手機,快速開立銀行戶口 • 一站式查閱戶口結餘、快速了解個人財務狀況 ...
全新恒生個人流動理財服務應用程式「恒生Mobile App」提供全面的理財功能,讓你輕鬆及安全地進行手機開戶、轉賬、理財及投資等,滿足日常個人理財需要。立即下載! 日常理財,輕鬆安心辦妥 • 透過手機,快速開立銀行戶口 • 一站式查閱戶口結餘、快速了解個人財務狀況 ...
全新恒生個人流動理財服務應用程式「恒生Mobile App」提供全面的理財功能,讓你輕鬆及安全地進行手機開戶、轉賬、理財及投資等,滿足日常個人理財需要。立即下載! 日常理財,輕鬆安心辦妥 • 透過手機,快速開立銀行戶口 • 一站式查閱戶口結餘、快速了解個人財務狀況 ...
全新恒生個人流動理財服務應用程式「恒生Mobile App」提供全面的理財功能,讓你輕鬆及安全地進行手機開戶、轉賬、理財及投資等,滿足日常個人理財需要。立即下載! 日常理財,輕鬆安心辦妥 • 透過手機,快速開立銀行戶口 • 一站式查閱戶口結餘、快速了解個人財務狀況 ...
ebanking service which you cannot access Everytime I want to login the apps for performing some functions or check something for my bank accounts, I was forced to update the apps and was not allowed to access the apps without updating. And it always takes long time for loading and loading...
ebanking service which you cannot access Everytime I want to login the apps for performing some functions or check something for my bank accounts, I was forced to update the apps and was not allowed to access the apps without updating. And it always takes long time for loading and loading...
ebanking service which you cannot access Everytime I want to login the apps for performing some functions or check something for my bank accounts, I was forced to update the apps and was not allowed to access the apps without updating. And it always takes long time for loading and loading...