韩国恐怖电影主持人影评英文 Movies all reflect some social realities, but the part of creation and design is heavier. Some plots are designed to promote the theme, but they are false in themselves. I can't seem to appreciate these movies more and more, but I still feel that I can only ...
这是一部大片导演罗兰·艾默里克(Roland Emmerich)制做的科幻片,和他导演的大部分科幻片相比(哥斯拉、后天什么的),这部是最有内涵的一部,也是最不以特效为主要卖点的片子,据说票房并不成功,但是仍然不能说没有大牌明星的参与就是不成功的片子,毕竟来说,在思想方面者已经超越了他自己导演的爆米花科幻了 这是一部...