思琪和艾弥的作文 《思琪和艾弥的那些事儿》 哎呀呀,今天我来给你们讲讲思琪和艾弥的故事。 有一次啊,我们一起去公园玩。那可是个大晴天,阳光好得不得了。思琪这家伙一到公园就像只撒欢的小兔子,蹦蹦跳跳的。艾弥呢,则比较淡定,慢悠悠地走着。我们来到湖边,看到好多鸭子在游来游去。思琪兴奋地指着鸭子喊:“快...
思琪和艾弥的英语作文 Suki and Amy are two best friends who have been inseparable since they were in elementary school. They first met when they were just five years old, and their friendship has only grown stronger over the years. Suki is a kind-hearted and outgoing girl who always has a...