🎬哇塞!强烈推荐这部超棒的动画短片《忆乡人》!画风真的太赞了~ 🍃📺片名:《忆乡人》 🎞️风格:短片 | 治愈 | 美食故事中的童年、美食、亲人,触动着我们内心最柔软的地方。长大后的我们在远离家乡的日子里,时常会想起儿时那熟悉的街道、亲切的笑脸,还有田野间的欢声笑语,都在记忆中不断重现。“回...
🏠 It's the shared joy of gathering around the table, the taste of food that warms the soul, the warmth of shared stories and laughter, and the comfort of knowing you have a place to call your own. 🍽️🧭 In this animated tale, a man named Zheng, who works away from home,...