09:37:27.051 in your ".yarnrc.yml" file using the "supportedArchitectures" feature: 09:37:27.061 https://yarnpkg.com/configuration/yarnrc/#supportedArchitectures 09:37:27.062 Keep in mind that this means multiple copies of esbuild will be present. 09:37:27.071 Another alternative is to use ...
如果出现连接超时,可以先从github(可以使用镜像网站GitHub: Let’s build from here · GitHub)上拉取dcloudio/uni-preset-vue到本地,再进行创建 git clone https://github.com/dcloudio/uni-preset-vue.git 1. vue create -p C:\Users\saynoon\uni-preset-vue colorize-front 1. (三)启动项目,编译至微...
小程序 Bug Windows 1.05.2101192 因为我使用了terser-webpack-plugin进行压缩代码, 配置keep_number的时候,terser会报错`keep_numbers` is not a supported option 目前也在处理terser那边的报错, 发现terser那边的报错是因为 keep_numbers是format里的option, (对应terserOptions的output) 而我把它配置到compress里去...
这里没人回。可以进微信群里问下,应该有人遇到过,不过人太多了,只能+wx:wdmwjm ,邀请进 ...
3.3 zsh: command not found: code 3.4 Bad CMake executable "". Is it installed or settings contain the correct path (cmake.cmakePath)? 4. 插件-Code Runner 1. vscode中使用c++ 配置开发环境 如果使用的是macos,还没有配置C++环境,可以参考VSCode的C++配置:Using Clang in Visual Studio Code,以下都...
这里没人回。可以进微信群里问下,应该有人遇到过,不过人太多了,只能+wx:wdmwjm ,邀请进 ...