在越狱的iPhone以及低版本iOS系统的微信小城程序中,会报:arr.includes() is not a function 另外,indexOf()方法做判断时要做好等于 -1 的判断,否则会出问题
1. <importsrc="item.wxml"/> 2. <templateis="item"data="{{text: 'forbar'}}"/> 1. 2. import的作用域 import有作用域的概念,即只会import目标文件中定义的template,而不会import目标文件import的template。 如:C import B,Bimport A,在C中可以使用B定义的template,在B中可以使用A定义的template,但...
获取蓝牙低功耗设备所有服务 (service),代码如下: //获取蓝牙设备的uuidconstgetBLEDeviceServices=()=>{wx.getBLEDeviceServices({deviceId:ConnectedDeviceRelated.deviceId,success:function(res){for(vari=0;i<res.services.length;i++){if(res.services[i].uuid.includes('xxxxx')){ios_uuid.push({'notify...
')) return cb() } else if (file.isBuffer() && supportExts.includes(extname)) { // 默认支持类型,通过扩展名获取。其余当做 css if (defaultExts.includes(extname)) { syntax = extname.split('.').pop() } // 找不到配置文件 if (combConfigPath && !fs.existsSync(c...
wx.getBLEDeviceServices({deviceId:ConnectedDeviceRelated.deviceId,success:function(res) {for(vari =0; i < res.services.length; i++) {if(res.services[i].uuid.includes('xxxxx')) { ios_uuid.push({'notify': res.services[i].uuid}) ...
It is worth mentioning that the “Haikou Service Guide” WeChat app not only provides rich information in both Chinese and English, but also comes with built-in Navigation Function and Online Customer Service Function. Users can directly reach their ...
It is worth mentioning that the “Haikou Service Guide” WeChat app not only provides rich information in both Chinese and English, but also comes with built-in Navigation Function and Online Customer Service Function. Users can directly reach their destination through the built-in navigation funct...
1、在微信公众平台上创建一个小程序账号,并开通订阅消息功能,设置模板消息,获取模板ID和模板关键词等内容。 2、在小程序代码中调用 wx.requestSubscribeMessage() 方法,向用户请求授权订阅消息。在该方法中,需要传入tmplIds参数,包含要订阅的消息的模板ID和对应的参数内容。 微信小程序模板订阅消息 3、在小程序前端放置...
making them accessible to a wide range of developers with different skill sets. In addition, developers can use a dedicated development tool provided by Tencent to create and test WeChat Mini Programs. This tool, called the WeChat Mini Program Developer Tool, includes a code editor, debugging ...
const OldDate = Date // 修改第一个入参,横岗改斜杠 Date = function () { if (arguments.length > 0 && typeof (arguments[0]) === 'string' && arguments[0].includes('-')) { const p = arguments[0].replace(/-/g, '/') arguments[0] = p } return new OldDate(...arguments) } ...