中国地理学会会员、中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所研究员张永强等关于全球陆地水资源可用性近20年变化的研究成果(论文“Southern Hemisphere dominates recent decline in global water availability”于2023年11月3日在线发表于Science杂志上)...
- 《Water science & technology: Water supply》 - 被引量: 0 收藏相关文章 Evaluating the uncertainty of eight approaches for separating the impacts of climate change and human activities on streamflow 2021 - Jinkai Luan,Yongqiang Zhang,Ning Ma,... - 《Journal of Hydrology》 - 被引量: 0 收藏...
现为国际期刊The Open Mechanical Engineering Journal编委,多次受邀担任International Journal of Solids and Structures 和 Composites Science and Technology已及Journal of Applied Physics、Phyics Letters A论文评审人。 通用考博英语精品课程【节选】-1元领! 摸清考试命脉,有技巧有方法有准备地进入到考博英语中。 适用...
PlantScience,2015,238:64-72(植物科学2区) ZhangYQ,LiuZJ,ChenYD,HeJX,BiYR,PHYTOCHROME-INTERACTINGFACTOR5(PIF5)positivelyregulatesdark-inducedsenescenceandchlorophylldegradationinArabidopsis,PlantScience,2015,237:57-68(植物科学2区) ZhangYQ,HeJX*,Sugar-inducedplantgrowthisdependentonbrassinosteroids,Plant...
2.在国内外公开发行刊物上发表的学术论文 (1)《Context-aware Commodity Recommendation Information Service in E-Commerce》,Internet Computing for Science and Engineering (ICICSE), 2012 Sixth International Conference,第一作者 。(2)《支持高负载的短信服务软件性能研究》2007.3《微计算机信息》,独著。
19.Zhang, Y.Q., Lu,Y., Wang,L.Z., Investigation of vertical vibrations of rigid disk on saturated poroelastic stratum under high-frequency excitation,International Journal of Engineering Science,2008,46(3):202-210.(Corresponding author)
(15)Incorporating vegetation dynamics noticeably improved performance of hydrological model under vegetation greening,Science of the Total Environment,2018,第3作者 (16)Global variation of transpiration and soil , evaporation and the role of their major climate driver,Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospher...
(1)《Context-aware Commodity Recommendation Information Service in E-Commerce》,Internet Computing for Science and Engineering (ICICSE), 2012 Sixth International Conference,第一作者 (2)《支持高负载的短信服务软件性能研究》2007.3《微计算机信息》,独著 ...
In the aspect of criminal law, a new article should be added after article 20, which specifically stipulates the exemption of police duty defense; at the level of administrative laws and regulations, it is necessary to further elaborate the provisions of the defense of poli...