张怀瓘的读音是:zhāng huái guàn。“张”字读zhāng,是第一声,表示声调上升;“怀”字读huái,是第二声,表示声调上升然后下降;“瓘”字读guàn,是第四声,表示声调下降。所以,张怀瓘的完整读音是zhāng huái guàn。这个读音基于普通话的拼音系统,是官方和广泛接受的读音方式。如果你是在...
张怀瓘生平考2) Zhang-Huaiguan 张怀瓘 1. The article researches on the calligraphy historian and theoretician Zhang-Huaiguan who lives between Tang dynasty Kaiyuan and Qianyuan period and his nearly 10 famous writings. 本文的研究对象是活动于唐代开元至乾元年间的书法史家、理论家张怀瓘和他传世...
张怀瓘1. The article researches on the calligraphy historian and theoretician Zhang-Huaiguan who lives between Tang dynasty Kaiyuan and Qianyuan period and his nearly 10 famous writings. 本文的研究对象是活动于唐代开元至乾元年间的书法史家、理论家张怀瓘和他传世的10余种著作。
张怀瓘书论札记2) Zhang-Huaiguan 张怀瓘 1. The article researches on the calligraphy historian and theoretician Zhang-Huaiguan who lives between Tang dynasty Kaiyuan and Qianyuan period and his nearly 10 famous writings. 本文的研究对象是活动于唐代开元至乾元年间的书法史家、理论家张怀瓘和他...