引颈就戮 繁体 引頸就戮 拼音 [yǐn jǐng jiù lù]怎么读 解释 引颈,伸长脖子。就戮,被杀。形容人从容就义,不畏惧死亡。 出处 新唐书˙卷一九四˙卓行传˙甄济传 字数四字成语 【引颈就戮】图片鉴赏 引颈就戮是什么意思?引颈就戮,拼音 yǐn jǐng jiù lù,意思是 引颈,伸长脖子。就戮,被杀。
引颈就戮 词类 成语 拼音 yǐn jǐng jiù lù 怎么读 近义词 束身待罪 反义词 英语 to extend one's neck in preparation for execution (idiom) 「引颈就戮」 伸长脖子等着被杀。指从容就义,毫不畏惧。语本《新唐书.卷一九四.卓行传.甄济传》:「使者持刀趋前,济引颈待之。」 ...
【汉语文字】引颈就戮 【汉语拼音】[yǐn jǐng jiù lù] 【词语解释】伸长脖子等着被杀。指从容就义,毫不畏惧。 引颈就戮造句末日来临,南京受降,东京清算,日酋引颈就戮。 酒使勇者拔刀而起,怯者引颈受戮。所以,酒是个好东西 连罚款都那么慢,我们引颈受戮都个把月了 “妈的!老大,横竖是个死字,咱们...
引颈就戮 [yǐn jǐng jiù lù] 释义 stretch out one's neck for the executer's sword 引颈就戮; bare one's neck to the sword 引颈就戮; crane one's neck to be executed 引颈就戮; extend one's neck for the fatal stroke 引颈就戮;...
释义 stretch out one's neck for the executer's sword 引颈就戮; bare one's neck to the sword 引颈就戮; crane one's neck to be executed 引颈就戮; extend one's neck for the fatal stroke 引颈就戮; 拍照翻译 语音翻译 智能背词 下载金山词霸APP...
引颈就戮2) the character "lu" 戮 1. However,through analyzing the usage of the character "lu" in different contexts in Zuozhuan,it can be obtained that the meaning of the character "lu" in ancient times is not the same as that of the character "sha". 在训诂中,"杀"、"戮"往往...