延伸率 1. the mechanical property stability has been greatly improved, percentage elongation has been enhanced. 本文介绍了本钢热轧厂技术改造后优化焊瓶钢生产工艺,使其机能稳定性、延伸率有大幅度提高、屈强比明显下降。 更多例句>> 6) elongation percentage 延伸率 1. The results show that under the...
接头延伸率与涂附磨具本身趋于一致 ,延伸率为 4 5 %。 2. Study on the Elongation of W-Ni-Fe Heavy Tungsten Alloys; W-Ni-Fe高密度合金的延伸率研究 3. REASON ANALYSIS ON INCOMPETENT ELONGATION OF LOW-ALLOY MEDIUM PLATE 低合金中厚板延伸率不合的原因分析 ...
沪江词库精选延伸率英文怎么写及英文单词、英语单词怎么写、例句等信息 elongation percentageextensibilitypercentagespecific elongationunit elongationmodulus of elongation 相似短语 axis of elongation 伸长轴 cell elongation 细胞伸长 elongation at break 断裂伸度,扯断伸长率 elongation line 延长线 elongation ...
屈服点延伸率 2) yield-point elongation 屈服点延伸 1. The influence of alloy composition and microstructure on theyield-point elongationof continuous annealing cold-rolled dual phase sheet steel has been investigated. 研究了合金成分和显微组织对连续退火冷轧双相钢板屈服点延伸的影响。
例句>> 3) extension fracture 延伸断裂 4) long time rupture elongation 持久断裂延伸率 5) zero elongation rupture 零延伸断裂 1. Technique used to preventzero elongation ruptureof SBS waterproofing membrane; 防止SBS防水卷材零延伸断裂的施工技术
沪江词库精选相对延伸率用英语怎么说、英语单词怎么写、例句等信息 relative elongation 相似短语 Relative To相对于 be relative to和...成比例 和...有关系 随...为转移 relative tov. 相对于 relative work造型跳伞 relative noise相对噪声 close relative【法】 近亲属 ...
带钢延伸率e 2) tape elongation 磁带延伸率 3) Extension of Etherner e网延伸 4) angle steel stretching 角钢延伸 5) stretch zone 延伸带 1. Experimental results show : 1 )J-integral ,the crack-opening displacement COD and thestretch zonewidth SZW during blunting of crack-tip are related by th...
延伸率 1. A new pass designing method on the basis of elongation rate was given and an example is also presented. 作者阐述了一种沿机架分配钢管变形量的新方法———基于延伸率的分配方法,并给出了设计实例。 2. Big ferrites and hot rolling texture are left behind in particle structures, Which...
伸长(延伸)率 5) elongation[英][,i:lɔŋ'geiʃən] [美][ɪ,lɔŋ'geʃən] 延长,延伸率 6) percentage of elongation 延伸率,伸长率 补充资料:延伸 1.延长伸展。 说明:补充资料仅用于学习参考,请勿用于其它任何用途。