升辉清洁承接室内厨房清洁,地板清洁,房间清洁,窗户清洁等清保洁服务,升辉清洁室内清洁价格低、效率高。 服务热线: 020-32016836 外墙清洗 副标题 升辉清洁承接各外墙清洗,幕墙清洗,高空清洗,玻璃幕墙清洗,写字楼幕墙清洗等外墙清洗保洁服务,升辉清洁外墙清洗价格低、效率高。
广州市升辉清洁服务有限公司 升辉提供一站式清洁服务 不忘初心牢记使命用心服务每位客户 Shenghui provides one-stop cleaning service 升辉提供一站式清洁服务 环境、社会及管治报告 副标题 即将推出 邮箱: sh@gzshqj.com 地址: 广州市越秀区东风东路836号东峻广场1座5F...
升辉清洁承接室内厨房清洁,地板清洁,房间清洁,窗户清洁等清保洁服务,升辉清洁室内清洁价格低、效率高。 服务热线: 020-32016836 外墙清洗 副标题 升辉清洁承接各外墙清洗,幕墙清洗,高空清洗,玻璃幕墙清洗,写字楼幕墙清洗等外墙清洗保洁服务,升辉清洁外墙清洗价格低、效率高。
广州市升辉清洁服务有限公司 升辉清洁服务项目 安全、高效、贴心服务于珠三角众多客户 室内精保洁 副标题 升辉清洁承接室内厨房清洁,地板清洁,房间清洁,窗户清洁等清保洁服务,升辉清洁室内清洁价格低、效率高。 座机: 020-32016836 邮箱: sh@gzshqj.com
Guangzhou Shenghui Cleaning Service Co., Ltd henghui provides one-stop cleaning service Shenghui provides one-stop cleaning service henghui provides one-stop cleaning service
Shenghui cleaning service case Safe, efficient, and thoughtful service Email: sh@gzshqj.com
国标行业:其他未列明服务业 企业规模:大型 员工人数:574人(2023年) 简介:广州市升辉清洁服务有限公司 (曾用名:广州番禺升辉清洁服务有限公司) ,成立于2000年,位于广东省广州市,是一家以从事其他服务业为主的企业。企业注册资本5000万人民币,实缴资本50万人民币。通过天眼查大数据分析,广州市升辉清洁服务有限公...
Prev1Next Provide high-quality cleaning services 副标题 After more than 20 years of hard work, Shenghui has been striving for excellence and governance. Its main business has been increasing at a rate of over 20% year by year, from small to large, from weak to strong, and from strong to...
After more than 20 years of hard work, Shenghui has been striving for excellence and governance. Its main business has been increasing at a rate of over 20% year by year, from small to large, from weak to strong, and from strong to strong, gradually developing into a star enterprise in...