基本信息 词目:幅度 英文:amplitude 拼音:fú dù 词义:原指振幅,即物体震动或摇摆所展开的宽度。 说明抽象概念时指此概念所包括的内容范围。 引申:指事物发展所达到的最高点与最低点之间的距离,即事物变动的大小。 示例:今年小麦增产的~较大 ㄧ产品质量有较大~的提高。基本解释 1. [amplitude]∶振动过程中...
幅度[fúdù]〈名〉range;scope;extent [例句]〈名〉1.range;scope;extent 大幅度调价 readjustthepricesbyabig/largemargin 大幅度增加 increasebyabig/largemargin 波动的幅度 fluctuationspread 价格浮动的幅度 marginsofpricefluctuation 全年气温变化幅度 annualrangeoftemperature 增长幅度 growthmargin 允...
幅度的英文: width extent 参考例句: A sweeping gesture 做大幅度挥手动作 AM(Amplitude Modulation) 幅度调制(调幅) The anomaly from any buried magnetized feature is attenuated in amplitude and spread out over a wide area 任何埋藏磁化体产生的异常幅度会减小,分布范围就要扩大。 Note that in areas of m...
英文短句/例句 1.absorptive amplitude吸收振幅,吸收幅度 2.Amplitude: The height or degree of execution of a move.摆幅:完成一项动作的高度或幅度。 3.Modulating pulse amplitude stability调制脉冲幅度稳定度 4.In communications, the amplitude variations of an amplitude modulated carrier wave.在通信技术中,...
英文短句/例句 1.English Expressions on the Percentage Change in Amount;百分比变化幅度的英文表达手段透视 2.Turn-on settling time -A change in voltage over a specified time interval after the power is applied.基准器件加电后,规定时间里输出电压的变化(变化幅度或变化率)。 3.The change ranges of th...
英文短句/例句 1.To discount a bill折扣交割,票据折扣 2.sue bonds at discount(债券) 折扣发行 3.50,000 sets with a discount rate of 20%.要50,000 台,折扣率20%。 4.Cut cut reduce price.削(打折扣)价、降价。 5.Cut [ cut ] [ reduce ] price削(打折扣)价、降价 6.Deduct: Sales Discount...
百分比变化幅度的英文表达手段透视 9. Research on the Speed and Scope of Strategic Change under Distinct Drivers and Controls; 不同驱动与控制下的战略变化速度与幅度研究 10. Turn-on settling time -A change in voltage over a specified time interval after the power is applied. ...
大学学生的数量已大幅度增加。 2. There has been a tremendous increase in mobility. 人才流动已经有了大幅度增加。 3. China's foreign exchange reserves have risen considerably. 国家外汇储备大幅度增加。 4. but we've still had to increase our reserve for credit losses quite significantly. 但也...
英文短句/例句 1.Effects of Increase Extent of Voltage on Micro-Arc Oxidation Coatings of AZ91D Magnesium Alloy加压幅度对AZ91D镁合金微弧氧化膜的影响 2.Speech Coding Based on Instantaneous Amplitude Plus Noise Model基于瞬时幅度加噪声模型的语音压缩 ...