常用溶剂在氘代试剂中的出峰位置,常用溶剂在氘代试剂中的出峰位置,溶剂峰在,溶剂峰的,溶剂在,常用溶剂,出峰,峰的位置,溶剂的,溶剂中,氘代试剂 君,已阅读到文档的结尾了呢~~ 立即下载相似精选,再来一篇 2gho552ikq1t.. 分享于2012-06-07 17:20
常用溶剂在氘代试剂中的出峰位置 NMR Chemical Shifts of CommonLaboratory Solvents as Trace ImpuritiesHugo E. Gottlieb,* Vadim Kotlyar, andAbraham Nudelman*Department of Chemistry, Bar-Ilan University,Ram at-Gan 52900, IsraelReceived June 27, 1997In the course of the routine use of NMR as an aid...
氘代出峰峰溶剂峰溶剂中出峰位置氘代试剂氘代试剂中溶剂溶剂峰在 常用溶剂在氘代试剂中的出峰位置,常用溶剂在氘代试剂中的出峰位置氘代,出峰,峰,溶剂峰,溶剂中,出峰位置,氘代试剂,氘代试剂中,溶剂,溶剂峰在,氘代,出峰,峰,溶剂峰,溶剂中,出峰位置,氘代试剂,氘代试剂中,溶剂,溶剂峰在 ...
常用溶剂氘代试剂中出峰位置 系统标签: 溶剂hyl试剂solacetchemi NMR Chemi cal Shi fts of Common Laboratory Solvents as Trace Impuri ti es Hugo E. Got t l i eb,* Vadi m Kot l yar , and Abr aham Nudel man* Department of Chemistry, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan 52900, Israel Received ...
常用溶剂氘代试剂中出峰位置 系统标签: 溶剂hyl试剂solacetchemi NMR Chemi cal Shi fts of Common Laboratory Solvents as Trace Impuri ti es Hugo E. Got t l i eb,* Vadi m Kot l yar , and Abr aham Nudel man* Department of Chemistry, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan 52900, Israel Received ...