您亲切和selfishless。我希望您与我联系,如果有我可以为您做的任何。感谢再为您的帮助![translate] a人类也面对着众多环境问题。 正在翻译,请等待...[translate] a圣诞节也是一个万物欢乐的日子 Christmas day also is a myriad things happy day[translate] a帕特农神庙 正在翻译,请等待...[translate]...
帕特农神庙的英文是The Parthenon。帕特农神庙的简介:帕特农神庙位于希腊雅典卫城的最高处石灰岩的山岗上,是卫城最重要的主体建筑,又译“巴特农神庙”。帕特农神庙之名出于雅典娜的别名。拉丁字母中Parthenon即希腊文∏αρθενωνας的译写,意为“处女的”(词根παρθενος,...
雅典卫城帕特农神庙(希腊文:∏αρθενωνας,英文:Parthenon),占地2.3万平方英尺,用于祭祀雅典主神雅典娜,因此也被称为“雅典娜帕特农神庙”。帕特农神庙位于希腊首都雅典,伫立在卫城的最高点卫城山南部古城堡的中心位置。[5][ - 吉祥如意@于20240602发布在
雅典卫城帕特农神庙(希腊文:∏αρθενωνας,英文:Parthenon),占地2.3万平方英尺,用于祭祀雅典主神雅典娜,因此也被称为“雅典娜帕特农神庙”。帕特农神庙位于希腊首都雅典,伫立在卫城的最高点卫城山南部古城堡的中心位置。[5][ - 吉祥如意@于20240602发布在
双语播音 | 帕特农神庙 点击标题下「英语微学习平台」可快速关注 Parthenon Temple The Parthenon is a former temple on the Athenian Acropolis, Greece, dedicated to the goddess Athena, whom the people of Athens considered their patron(守护神)...
(墙面) The metopes of the Parthenon all represented various instances of the struggle between the forces of order and justice.,10,Other Architectures:,Temple of Athena Nike(雅典娜胜利神庙),The Temple of Athena Nike is a temple on the Acropolis of Athens. Built around 420BC, the temple is ...
帕特农神庙简介英文.ppt,Historical Setting Architectural Features Other Architectures Pictures Appreciation Contents: Site of Parthenon Historical Setting: After the Greek victory in the Persian War(波斯战争),the Parthenon was proposed as a way to thank
8、nd justice.,Other Architectures:,Temple of Athena Nike(雅典娜胜利神庙),The Temple of Athena Nike is a temple on the Acropolis of Athens. Built around 420BC, the temple is the earliest fully Ionic temple(爱 奥尼克柱头) on the Acropolis. It has a prominent position on a steep bastion ...
帕特农神庙简介英文 Parthenon 1 Contents:SiteofParthenon HistoricalSetting ArchitecturalFeatures OtherArchitectures PicturesAppreciation HistoricalSetting:AftertheGreekvictoryinthePersianWar(波斯战争),theParthenonwasproposedasawaytothankthegoddessAthena(雅典娜)forprotectingthecityandoffersacrificetogodsorancestors.牜橥...